Monthly Archives: July 2015

The Bigger Picture

by Dreama Vance

Are you, right now, in the Present Moment? Or is your mind on a thousand different things, thinking about what you have on hand to fix for supper tonight, whether you are going to be late to pick up the kids, the argument you had with a colleague or your boss…


If you have some Young Living oils, take out a bottle, open it up and inhale. I love Stress Away for this, or Lavender, or Frankincense, or Sacred Mountain, or Believe, or… you get my point. Just breathing consciously is good, but we have to work at it a little to let go of that charged up energy of hurry, hurry, hurry, too-much-to-do!

Breathing in one of Young Living’s essential oils is better. Why? Because it makes centering so much easier. Centering happens almost automatically when you inhale one of these oils. Breathing in one of these oils six to eight times, you will find… Yourself.

Yes, you didn’t even know you were lost, but you were scattered all over the place and this is where most of us live most of the time. Our energy is quite literally splattered. So when this happens, when your energy is all over the place, where are you? Take a moment to find yourself and to be present.

Now that you are here in the present moment, open your heart. Open your heart so that you are receptive to a new way of seeing, of understanding at a different level.

Open your heart, knowing that there is so much more to life than our everyday perception of it. Allow wisdom to begin to percolate as you continue reading, knowing that information comes to you on many levels, not just at an intellectual level.

The Big Picture

We live within the consciousness of the planet. Yes, that’s right. We live within the consciousness of the planet. Hold that thought in your awareness as I briefly run through the way most people think about the evolution of consciousness.

Overall, humanity as a whole has functioned at the solar plexus level of consciousness for many eons of time, believing in separation and the duality of existence.

We are beginning to shift in our awareness to lower heart-centered consciousness. This is where we become aware of something bigger than ourselves… where something more important than “me and mine” enters our awareness. The environmental movement is a good example of this.

As we move to upper heart-centered consciousness, we get the first glimpse of the spiritual levels of existence as the upper heart center bridges the lower physical chakras with the higher spiritual ones.

Around in this area, we begin to perceive unity consciousness. We know it intellectually and think we understand it, but that is really solar plexus thinking! It is the experience at these higher levels of consciousness that begins to awaken our understanding of this concept.

From this initial understanding of unity consciousness, many people make a gigantic leap and go straight to, “I am God.” At this point, they consider themselves “enlightened” and basically done. They think, “I am God. God is all. What else is there?”

Hmm… I think they left out the middle bit.

Very few teachers, if any, talk about this concept of planetary consciousness dwelling within us, or us living within the consciousness of the Earth.

We certainly know the Earth is a conscious being. However, even in this understanding, we tend to view the Earth from an egocentric position. What this means is we still perceive ourselves as most important and the Earth as just… well, someone or something else.

We see her as important, yes, of course… we recognize all of the environmental issues. We may even have experience with the Essene teachings where we recognize her as the Earthly Mother. We may even acknowledge with gratitude her role as our home, just as we acknowledge the Sun and its role in supporting life on our planet. Yet, we still see both the Earth and the Sun as objects.

In all of this, we have failed, quite miserably, to comprehend the truly enormous spiritual power of the Earth. The Earth is a conscious being. We have not understood the sacredness, the holy energy that is the breath and heart of this planet. Her light and power would literally blind us, should she reveal it to us.

Because we have not been aware of that energy, we have missed the realization of her tremendous sacrifice in shielding that light so that we may have residence here to experience our own evolution in consciousness. This is a master teaching for another time but if your heart is open, you will begin to understand the thought I told you to hold in your focus:

We live in the consciousness of the planet.

So, here is a part of the Bigger Picture. In our movement into separation, we have gone farther and farther away from the teachings of Wholeness. We have moved away from the foundations of life provided by the planet. Those foundations are based on plants. Plants are the foundation of our food supply. The rainforests are foundational in climate control and helping oxygenate the air we breathe. Plants as food and medicine are inextricably woven together.

If you think of the Earth as a Mother, then plants are mother’s milk to her children. They are our food; they nourish us; they protect us; they heal us.

We are in the middle of The Shift. The Earth is calling us back to her teachings. As she continues to release more spiritual energy, we are vibrationally pulled to her larger consciousness.

This is why changes in diet are so prevalent at this time. This is why veganism, whole food and raw food diets are popping up all over the world. This is why people are seeking alternative healing methods. This is why Young Living essential oils are global… Plants! They have been and are the foundation to Wholeness.

Now you have a glimpse of the bigger picture. However, as you expand in consciousness, the picture continues to get bigger! Next time, we will look at another facet of the bigger picture…it is all about energy.

In the meantime, you can find out more about Young Living essential oils with two great educational videos here:

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Messages From Your Soul

by Dreama Vance

When I first started writing these articles about conscious eating, I asked for guidance about where to begin. After all, there is a vast array of information available.

Imagine my surprise when Spirit said, “Eat Light.”

Eat Light. Information from our soul can be quite literal. Eat Light, as in vital life energy. The closest foods that fit this definition, of course, are fresh, living foods, the closer to nature the better. You only have to harvest from your own garden to appreciate the living vibration that comes from the plant itself. We have been privileged to visually experience the light that radiates from fresh, live food through Kirlian photography.

You might contemplate on this subject in your meditations. Eat Light. When we eat fresh living food, we literally eat the light of the Sun. Notice, that Spirit did not get bogged down with the more physical aspects of diet choices. Spirit did not give me a big, long list of nutrients that must be included, or negative things to exclude. Spirit went right to the heart of the matter. Eat Light. We are, after all, made of Light.

Now, there are many ways to add Light to the body. We can practice certain meditations specifically focused on adding light. We can practice qigong; we can use Young Living essential oils, which have light energy in them; we can practice certain types of yoga and breathing exercises; and we can eat as much fresh raw fruits and vegetables as we can, including fresh juices.

During this time of monumental change, our bodies are literally becoming less dense as we prepare for the Shift. Everything we can do to assist this process makes our own transformation easier.

The second message I kept receiving was, “Eat clean food.” Well, of course, we aren’t going to eat dirty food, except for maybe Cajun Dirty Rice! I would naturally assume that this means to eat as organic as possible, staying away from pesticides, and all of the other toxic chemicals that are so prevalent now on our planet. However, as I contemplated on this message, I began to see a deeper meaning. I began to realize clean food is food that is clean in the body. Once again, we are led to fresh, raw, foods with high water content. The physical body, in good health and youthfulness, is over 70% water. We know to stay hydrated. Hydration is important to our well being. Fresh, living fruits and vegetables have the best water for us!

These are beautiful messages; and so simple and easy to follow. In this simplicity, however, is profound wisdom and guidance.

Let us shift direction and look at another way the soul provides messages. We can easily see from the above information what provides the body with the foundational foods for good health.

When we have something happen that causes a physical imbalance, it is a good bet our soul consciousness is trying to get our attention. If you are normally in good health and something happens that isn’t related to an accident, my first recommendation is to look at your food choices. Have you added or inadvertently deleted something from your diet?

Here is an example. A couple of years ago I woke up on the first of January raring to go exercise and get started on those New Year’s resolutions. As I hopped out of bed, I looked down to see that my knee was the size of a grapefruit. It didn’t hurt, per se, but as I tried to do extended walking, it would start to ache. I started using my natural remedies, sure I would be fine very soon. While this helped the immediate pain, I wasn’t solving the problem.

Two weeks later, finally, I sat down and started taking my own advice! I looked at my diet to see what was different. After a bit of analysis, I realized I had accidentally increased my omega 6 fatty acids and practically eliminated my omega 3 fatty acids. I immediately set about correcting this and within two days, my knee was healed.

Our food choices are foundational to the physical body. This is why we start there. Many, many solutions are found here. If this does not provide a solution, then we move to the next level, which includes the emotional components and our mental, and/or belief systems.

Our soul uses problems in the physical body and also our emotional states to get our attention and to tell us when we are off track. We, as individuals, have each set up our own system of internal communication. We have individually designed a system whereby our soul lets us know whether we are accomplishing our goals and growth for this lifetime, or whether we have taken a detour or, perhaps are stuck in a rut and not advancing in our purpose.

It is fairly simple to ask and receive information from the body itself and also to communicate with our own soul. There is a lovely book, “Soul Speak” by Julia Cannon that I really like and recommend for learning the process of communication and discovering what our issues are telling us, if you need such assistance. Julia has worked with her mother, Dolores Cannon, the well-known past life regression therapist, and her many hypnosis clients for many years and brings this expertise as well as her own guidance to the book.

I had the privilege to study with Dolores and know first hand how very simple healing can be if we but pay attention to the messages our souls are communicating. I was very saddened to hear that Dolores made her transition last October. She did amazing work during her lifetime with us and was a pioneer in the field of hypnosis and past life regression. Her many books will open your eyes to the many, many, different lives and expressions of conscious energy in the Universe.

Life is a joy to live and experience as we evolve in consciousness. Part of that evolution is our own development of our soul connection. As we learn to listen and create attunement with higher consciousness, life begins to mirror those states of light, expansion, harmony, beauty, and love.

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