Category Archives: Spiritual growth

There is a Place

by Dreama Vance

There is a place within me. I call it the dwelling place. It is a place where I can sit down and just be. It is a place where I can rest. I can let go of all the cares and worries of the world. I can be quiet and shut out the noise of the day. So sometimes I call it the resting place.

It is a place. It is a place within me where I can go and be still.

Just for five minutes I can rest and be still.

I don’t have to pray. I don’t have to ask for anything. I don’t have to save the world and I don’t have to be spiritual. I don’t have to use the right words or the right techniques to find God, understand God or have God do anything for me.

I can just rest and be still.

Oh, it is a blessed place to just be quiet and not have to do anything.

As I rest in this place within my being, it feels like the lap of water against the side of a moored sailboat. That gentle rocking motion, so soothing. It flows over me, rocking me, soothing and calming. Like a babe rocked in mother’s arms, held close to the heart, the fretfulness falls away. Peace is restored. I can breathe again, I notice, as I release a deep sigh.

The dwelling place. It renews me. It restores me. I want to live in this place all the time. That is why I call it the dwelling place. I want to reside here, dwell here. I know such peace in this place. I feel beautiful here; beauty surrounds me.

I feel nurtured here in this place. All of the broken pieces of me are knit up. I’m not broken any more. I am made whole again.

I notice the Sun is shining gently, smiling on my spirit. Everything is gentle in this place. It is a place of ease and flow. Ease and flow. I call this grace. This grace flows through me and I am part of it.

It is my dwelling place.

It is my dwelling place.


*Recommendation: For the how-to manual on achieving bliss consciousness, see Owen Waters latest e-book, “Higher Consciousness: Finding Peace and Joy Above the Noise.”

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She Walks in Beauty

by Dreama Vance

“She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies;”

This well-loved poem by Lord Byron is about a beautiful woman, but for me, it has always represented Gaia. Do you see the Earth as she dances, spinning across the starlit sky? Do you see her as she turns from dark to bright?

The poem goes on to describe her attributes of goodness, serenity, peace and calmness, implying an elegant, regal nature. Is this not Gaia herself?

Many years ago while visiting Big Bend National Park in Texas, I somehow quite miraculously fell in love with the Earth. In this isolated area, within a 24-hour period, I fell absolutely in love with her. I cried like my heart was broken when I had to leave and return to my normal everyday life. During that brief time, in the way of mystery, she called me to walk the beauty path.


If you fall in love with her and whisper your heart’s desire to also walk the beauty path, she will begin to reveal her secrets to you.

Teachers will come to you to share her wisdom. If you partake of this wisdom, you will find your life entwined with her heart, just like two lovers in an embrace.

If you can be still enough… if you can quiet your mind and open your heart, she will sing to you.

Her song will play upon your inner being, revealing to you such wonders. Majesty and grandeur beyond imagination – LIFE ever living, renewing. She carries the heart of every living creature within her own beating heart.

If you are quiet, you will feel that heart beat. Like a baby in the womb, carried under the heart of the mother, we are nurtured, held in comfort and safety. We are connected as our heart vibrates in rhythm with hers, becoming one heart.

As you shelter in her arms, as you partake of foods from the Goddess, she will teach you the beauty path. You will become one with her rhythms, breathing with her breath and dancing with her divine nature. Her wisdom becomes your wisdom. Her cycles become your cycles. The depth of her spirit begins to deepen yours. Her peace soaks into your being.

Life becomes so much more than our daily existence.

“She walks in beauty,” and so will you.

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Life is Changing

by Dreama Vance

Life is changing. Can you feel it? Look around you and observe.

I have often said that food would be one of the great dividers during this time. Have you looked at a label on food recently? Low-fat, sugar-free, low salt, vegan, dairy-free, gluten-free, NON-GMO, soy-free, nut-free… the list goes on and on. Why is this?

People are waking up to truth. People are becoming aware. Yes, people ARE becoming conscious. One of the easiest places to see this is in our food choices. People are no longer sleep-walking through the grocery aisles. Well, some still are. But there are many, many people now making conscious choices concerning their food options.

This is the most obvious place I see real change and it is because food is such a major player in our lives. We all eat. Most of us eat an average of three times a day or more. This is an obvious place for the processed food makers to respond to consumer demand, and so they do.

The second place I see change is in health care. This is not as obvious because not as many are awake to this degree of consciousness yet. Some are, however, and you can see the movement starting. When a group of mothers in New York refuse to have their children vaccinated, you know this awakening is starting. People are beginning to turn away from the mainstream answers of pharmaceutical drugs and look for other choices.

These are changes you can actually see in society, if you look for them. Did you know it is predicted that next year in 2018, veganism will go mainstream? They are predicting vegan “cheese” will no longer be in quotes and that vegan options will be available in fast-food restaurants.

You can see these changes. You can observe the controversies that ALWAYS surround change of any magnitude.

My question to you is: ARE YOU FEELING CHANGE? Are you sensing change in your own being?

As carriers of the Light, most of us have always been ahead of our time. Even if we weren’t consciously aware at the time, we were drawn to choices that were actually steps leading to our own awakening and in our own choices we were opening the path for others to follow.

In 1976, I discovered a yoga class. In 1977, I became a “vegetarian.” At that time when I moved to a different state, I was hard-pressed to find one yoga class. In an entire tri-city area there was only one tiny natural food store. Today there is a yoga studio almost on every street corner. Natural health food stores are easily available in large cities and even many small towns have one.

Look back and see how your own choices have made a difference. I want you to reflect on your own life and see that choices you have made have been a lamp for others.

Now I ask you again. Are you feeling change? Somewhere along the line you awakened to consciousness and actually began seeking higher consciousness. Your journey in life has led you to actually realizing the importance of spiritual growth. You are in tune with Spirit. You turn more and more to your inner guidance. So I ask you, “Are you FEELING change?” Is Spirit calling to you? Are you feeling that urge moving through you?

I call it “the Breath of Spirit.” It is as if Spirit breathes through you. You feel as if a gentle breeze is blowing through an open door. When this happens, you begin to do something different from what is “normal” for you. You may start to eat differently, you may take up yoga, you may start to write, you may begin giving money away. I don’t know what will be different for you. But I do know when this change blows through you, it urges you to move. It is almost unstoppable.

You ARE important. Each light carrier has a spiritual mission. The Great Awakening IS happening. Be aware. Pay attention to what Spirit is telling you. Tune into the Presence. Let Spirit guide you with an open heart and a willingness to be of service, to fulfill your mission during this incredible life-changing time on this planet!

Recommended book – The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness (Updated Edition, November 2016) by Owen Waters.

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What’s the Plan?

by Dreama Vance

DarrenHardyDarren Hardy is a motivational speaker that I heard at a convention. He had a PowerPoint slide with two side-by-side images. On one side was a slovenly dressed, middle-aged, overweight man in front of a clunker of a car, in front of a run-down house. On the other side was a picture of a well-groomed, trim man with a beautiful woman and two smiling children in front of a sleek car in front of a beautiful house and landscaped lawn. His question was, “Where do you want to be?”

I always laugh when I think about this picture because it is such a visual image and is applicable to just about everything in life. Indeed, his message in his presentation was that it is what you do everyday that determines where you will be in five, ten or twenty years. But first, you have to have a plan.

Everything starts with a plan. Do you want to have lunch with friends? You have to make a plan. Do you want to lose ten pounds weight? You have to have a plan. Do you want to be spiritually enlightened? What’s the plan? The odds are pretty good that something is not going to fall out of the sky, hit you in the head, and magically transform you.

Getting things done and accomplished requires a plan. When you go buy weekly groceries, you probably go with a plan… either you have a grocery list of things to buy, or you have some idea in your head of what your meals will be in the coming week and therefore know what you need to purchase. There is a maintenance plan for your car and when you take it in for service, you either plan to wait for it or plan for someone to pick you up and return you when the car is ready. There is a plan.

Making plans and following them help us get to where we want to be. You have the picture of what you want and then you break it down into daily practices that are doable and will get you the desired outcome. If your plan is to one day run a marathon and you have never run a mile, you aren’t going to go out and run that marathon today. You are going to train for it. You are going to map out a plan. You are going to keep your ultimate goal in mind, but start with a much smaller and manageable aspect of the bigger picture.

Only you can make your plans. Others can help and give assistance, but your plan depends on you… where you are now, where do you want to be, what are you already doing on a consistent basis, how big a step can you take at a time… these all depend on you.

Can you meditate for two hours everyday? If you already meditate for an hour, then probably the answer is yes; but if you find it difficult to meditate twenty minutes, then you will need to decrease your time to a more comfortable period so that you can maintain the daily habit. If twenty minutes is uncomfortable, then you will soon give up. Better to decrease the time and establish the habit. Once the habit is comfortably established, then you can slowly increase the time. See how it works?

What you do consistently is how you achieve the desired outcome.

So make your plans for your health and well-being by mapping out the changes in your diet and your exercise routine, your spiritual life, time with family, whatever your priorities are. What do you want that picture of you to look like in five years time?

Design your plan!

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by Dreama Vance

WinterSolsticeIn December of 2012, Spiritual Dynamics held our first Deep Soul Access course in conjunction with preparation for the 2012 Gateway on Winter Solstice. This was a deeply spiritual time when many across the planet were in meditation for the transformative energy of the planet. I seemed to live mostly from the fourth level of consciousness during those three weeks, barely aware of daily living happening at our third level of consciousness. It was a magical time as the Earth stepped into that Gateway.

As a result of this experience, Winter Solstice has become my favorite day of the year. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice is December 21st.

It is the day when Yin energy is at its peak and calls us to move into inner reflection.

YinYangYin and Yang energy are the two basic energies. They are polar opposites and come together to create everything in our universe. They are constantly transitioning. When one is strongest, the other is weakest. This only happens two times a year. As one energy reaches its peak and tips over, the other energy then begins to grow and strengthen. The switching point is a very powerful time.

As Yin energy reaches its strongest point on Winter Solstice we are drawn by the energy to experience our inner wisdom, to delve into the deep mysteries of the inner planes.

Take time on this December 21st to walk through the beauty of your life during the past year. Look at what you have accomplished and see how you have progressed in your journey.

In qigong I have learned there is no “wrong” way to practice; there is only good, better, and best. I have learned to apply that concept throughout my life. When you review this past year, I hope you will utilize this concept of good, better and best as you assess your progress. There is no failure and no wrong. If you even gave thought to change in a positive direction, this is good.

For the last four years in my work with the Masters, I have been told of the importance of juicing and the importance of using the essential oils from Young Living. This is why I began to teach and write articles about these topics.

As we move into higher frequencies, it is important that we lighten the physical body. One of the things happening now on the planet is we are receiving more light. In order to hold this light and this energy, we can assist the body by eating lighter foods and what I call cleaner foods. These are foods that do not clog the body. They are easy to digest; they are high in water content and, therefore, are cleansing by nature. These are fruits and vegetables in there natural uncooked state.

Fresh juice, unpasteurized, is one of the easiest and best ways to consume these foods. They are nutrient dense and the body absorbs these quickly and easily.

So, when the Masters began to give me this information, I had to start working on this. I had to get serious about what they were telling me. I had been juicing for years, but it was “occasional” juicing… when it was convenient. Now that the Masters were giving me this information with repeated frequency, I decided to start doing some juice fasting and to start juicing on a regular basis.

This is how I discovered Jason Vale and his quarterly juice fasts. I am amazed as I review my year, that I participated and completed every one of his juice fasts this year. Additionally, I have, for the past several months, been very successful at daily juicing 32 ounces of vegetable juice. Even when time is short and I need to be running out the door in the morning, I manage to juice at least a quart (i.e. 32 ounces or 1 liter) of mixed citrus juices to take on the go.

Why am I telling you about my success? Because if I can do this, anyone can do this.

It is a fabulous thing to do for your body and your health. But even more important is the fact that, yes, it does make a difference in your spiritual growth. It is the same with the essential oils. Will you see a difference if you juice just once or use an oil once? Probably not, although some people have had life changing experiences with one application of a Young Living essential oil, so I’m not saying it can’t happen. But usually it is something you become aware of over a period of time. Clarity begins to happen. Your emotions begin to balance out. Your focus changes. What seemed important becomes not so important after all and you find yourself seeking quiet time, seeking contemplation. You find yourself wanting less clutter in your life and less noise in your mind.

As the feminine Yin energy reaches its peak on December 21st and then begins to lessen, the Yang energy starts to grow.

In beautiful synchronicity, another key event occurs on December 20th this year. The 260-day Tzolkin calendar, one of the Mayan calendars, restarts on December 20th. This is the energy of rebirth and a new cycle of galactic energy. Each 260-day cycle is a sacred cycle of creation and is a spiral voyage in time that reflects the human gestational period. This galactic calendar spins in ongoing 260-day spiraling cycles perpetually. The Solstice will magnify these beginning, birthing energies, thus making this the perfect time to reflect on our past successes and the perfect time to reflect on new beginnings. It is the time to dream our visions and choose our desires for manifestation during this next ascending evolutionary spiral of galactic spin.

First, reflect on what you have accomplished. Then, reflect on the potential within you to create. Visualize these energies you want to bring into manifested form. Then you will be ready to move into action, as the Yang energy begins to grow and the new spiral of galactic energies begin once again.

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In the Still of the Night

by Dreama Vance

A ritual, as opposed to a habit or routine, is something done with intention and for me it holds a sense of reverence. Therein lies the power of ritual.

This is one of my favorite ways to use Young Living essential oils. They are such beautiful gifts from the essence of Creation itself. To be conscious of this every time you open one of these tiny bottles of pure essential oils brings you into the present moment. If you are conscious of what you are holding in your hand, it will center you and bring you fully present into the here and now.

By holding an intention, the oils will magnify this vibrationally. This is why you want to be conscious and aware of what you are thinking and your emotional intent when you use these oils.

I use Young Living essential oils throughout my day. I always start and end my day with them. They are such a pleasure to use and bring me such joy. If you don’t yet have a set of these spiritually empowering oils, you can use the link at the bottom of this article to order yours.

It took me a couple of years of using a select group of these oils everyday before I began to understand how these oils work from a spiritual point of view. They carry the blueprint of the Infinite within them. They carry the energy of the Sun, the Earth, and the stars within them. It is this Universal energy that calls to me. And it is this energy that attracts this same energy to me. In other words, these oils draw to me what will support me in my spiritual growth. This is what I have found.

Do you see this? Can you understand how much bigger these oils are than just their chemical composition? I have only found this with Young Living oils and it is entirely due to the Seed to Seal process that is Young Living’s guarantee. It is this promise of caring, of stewardship, of purity, and the knowledge and wisdom of decades of research that allow these oils to come to us with this energy intact.

On our spiritual journey, there are many things that come our way that seem ridiculous to our unawakened mind. It is a step of faith to move forward in spite of the mind’s arguments. Yet, we all have this calling within us to move forward on our path. It is only as we do so that we are able to see from a different perspective. What seemed ridiculous now becomes a path to greater truth.

Night time, when we sleep, is an opportunity to accomplish so much! Healing happens when we sleep. Our day gets processed through our dreams. We may be doing much work from a spiritual point of view when we are sleeping. Before we go to sleep is a great time to set your intention for those next few hours.

Do you have a beautiful ritual before bed?

There are two Young Living essential oils I like to use just before bed: Sacred Frankincense and Peace and Calming.

Just the name, Sacred Frankincense, says it all. Frankincense is a life-enhancing oil. Sacred life. What better place to go during sleep than to that sacred place within your own being? Set your intention to be in that beautiful place and apply the oil where ever you choose… the crown of the head, over the heart center…let your intuition guide you.

Peace and Calming is one of those gorgeous oils. The fragrance is rich and romantic. It reminds me of hearts and flowers and it has a beautiful blue color.

Each night as you prepare for bed, put a drop of Peace and Calming on the sole of each foot. Then, put a couple of drops in your hand and circle three times clockwise, to activate and harmonize the oil with your intention, then smooth the oil over your neck and top of your shoulders.

Breathe from your hands once you are in bed. Just breathe naturally nine times. Feel how your breathing deepens as you go along. Feel how the tension begins to ease. Feel how the mind starts to quiet. Place yourself in the presence of the Infinite.

In the still of the night, Peace and Calming, Sacred Frankincense… a blissful night.

If you don’t yet have a set of these spiritually empowering oils, here is the link to learn more about their purity and remarkable qualities:

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The World Healing Technique

by Owen K Waters

Try the World Healing Technique now and see what a difference it makes to your spiritual life, both immediately and, as a reaction, in the following days.

There’s nothing quite as uplifting as starting your day by sending healing energy to the world. It brightens your day and makes it feel good to be alive.

Sit upright, preferably with your hands resting in your lap, palms facing upwards. Breathe rhythmically and evenly. Close your eyes and turn away from your everyday thoughts by letting your attention focus on your breath. Whenever you notice your thoughts wandering, peacefully turn away from those thoughts, which can always be dealt with later, and return to focusing on your breath.

Recognize your spiritual nature. Know that you are a spiritual being living in a physical world and ask God or the universal Spirit for the life energy that you are about to use. Give gratitude to the Creator for universal life energy, for everything that you love about your life, and for existence itself. This connection to higher consciousness will amplify your efforts many times.

Take several breaths. With each in-breath, visualize life energy building into a vibrant white light within you and charging every cell of your being with its life-giving energy.

First, visualize the positive change that you want to bring into being in the world. Even though you are healing something that you perceive as negative, it is important to focus, instead, on the desired positive outcome. If you send energy to something negative, you will amplify its power. By sending energy conditioned for a positive outcome, you make that form of healing possible.

For example, in your mind’s eye, instead of a world suffering from strife, visualize the people of the world at peace. When you think of world peace, what is the first symbol that springs to mind – a crowd of happy children, a world without borders? Use that symbol, or, if pictures don’t easily come to mind, simply use the words, world peace, as the focus for your intention.

Or, instead of seeing spiritual ignorance and the suffering that it prolongs, visualize people who are becoming enlightened by spiritual understanding. Use the first picture that comes to mind or the words, world enlightenment.

Or, as another example, instead of seeing people displaced and distraught from a recent catastrophe, you could see aid workers being successful in their efforts to bring relief and medical assistance to those people, or use the words, energy to the aid workers.

Now, we’re ready to use the inbreath-outbreath cycle to transmit healing energy for the specified purpose. With every inbreath, see your lungs being filled with the vibrant white light of universal life energy.

With every outbreath, send the power of this love and light out to humanity. Direct it as a beam of brilliant white light from your heart chakra out into the world, holding the intention of healing.

Perform this as a series of inbreaths and outbreaths for as long as you wish, then relax and spend some time in the afterglow of a spiritual mission well accomplished.

These are the days of action, and that means service to others. Even better, your service to others also helps you in your own spiritual enlightenment. Action and reaction are opposite and equal.

Every time you send your light out into the world, you take another step forward towards your own enlightenment.

The World Healing Technique in summary

Sit upright with your eyes closed.
Make a spiritual connection, one which includes gratitude for life.
Intend world healing by visualizing the desired positive outcome.
Breathe in life energy with each inbreath.
On each outbreath, repeat your intention and send a beam of white light from your heart to your intended destination.

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Become An Agent For Change

by Owen K Waters

If you have a soul-felt desire to change the world for the better and haven’t yet found a way to manifest that deep-seated passion, this message is for you!

A perfect storm is brewing

It is a storm of change that will sweep across the landscape of our lives, affecting everything in its path. This perfect storm will be the result of the clashing of two separate forces, forming a vortex of energy that will lift up those who rise to the occasion and establish them as pioneers of the Great Change into the New Reality.

1) The Information Revolution

The first force is automation. The job market is awash with change these days as the information revolution continues to sweep away old jobs and careers in an avalanche of automation. This trend is about to accelerate with an explosion in robotics technology. These days, you’re either promoting the flow of information or worried about whether your job – or the jobs of your children and grandchildren – will even exist tomorrow!

2) The relentless rise in the frequency of all life on this planet

The Karmic bell has tolled. This entire section of the galaxy is rising in frequency. As the time of the Cosmic Shift approaches, we are being prepared for the day when all matter on this planet will vibrate up into a higher plane of existence. Ready or not, all people will be risen up into the more subtle environment of a fourth-density existence.

Evidence of the emerging higher consciousness and greater sensitivity is all around us. People’s diets are becoming lighter and more refined. Heart-centered consciousness is popping up everywhere like flowers in the spring.

In the field of wellness, the old reality of prescription drugs is beginning to look very tired, as is radiation “therapy” and other nightmares of the old reality. People want to put the power of nature to work in bringing wellness and healing into their lives. They just don’t know how.

Health care isn’t just in a crisis because it has become hopelessly expensive. It’s in a crisis because it should really be called “sick care” – the perpetuation of illness so that patients become perpetual customers of the “health care” machine. Yes, people want their symptoms of illness to be go away, but they also want recovery from the illnesses that are causing those symptoms. They want to enjoy life, not live from doctor’s visit to doctor’s visit to another battery of endless tests.

People want their health back!

The future of medicine will focus on curing illness and disease by the application of concentrated forms of natural healing essences. Mother Nature has supplied substances in herbs and other plants which bring wellness and harmony to the human body. For thousands of years, herbs have been used to maintain health and well-being in all parts of the world.

Let’s make one thing clear about how much intelligence went into what we call the works of Mother Nature. The subconscious mind of an ant knows more about biochemistry than does a PhD in Biochemistry! If you want real progress in wellness, look to Mother Nature for support and you’ll be way ahead of the game.

Today, researchers are discovering the specific powers of the essential oils that can be extracted from herbs and other healing plants. Did you know that, in the country of Oman, there are no cancer wards in the hospitals? That’s because the people there routinely chew the resin of the Frankincense trees that grow there. Researchers are discovering why Frankincense is called the King of the Oils – it will actually correct damaged DNA inside living cells!

The more you experience pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils, the more you awaken to their hidden secret. They do more than bring wellness and balance to the physical body. They equally affect the mind, emotional body, and spirit.

Young Living therapeutic-grade essential oils are raising the consciousness of the planet!

Tomorrow’s world will be a world of harmony, healing and upliftment. Essential oils will be an integral part of that beautiful new reality. Wouldn’t you like to be one of the people who usher in the new world by bringing that reality into manifestation?

Ride the wave of change

Earlier, I mentioned a perfect storm of change caused by the converging factors of higher consciousness in an emerging Information Age. When you understand those factors, you can ride that wave of change into a lifestyle of joy and blissful awareness, knowing that you are changing the world for the better by passing along the vital information that people need in this day and age.

The Information Revolution may be automating old reality jobs, but the one type of job that will always exist is the passing along of information that helps people. Robert Kiyosaki, self-help author of “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, calls it “The Business of the 21st Century.” In fact, he wrote a whole book about the profession of network or word-of-mouth marketing under that very title.

He also calls it the business of helping people for people who like helping people and it fits perfectly into the emerging service-oriented, information-rich economy.

Join us in spreading the news

We have chosen to spread the vital news about nature’s healing power in the form of essential oils because we see how they will shape the emerging New Reality. We understand their power to bring well-being to mind, body and spirit. That’s why we recognize them as sacred healing oils.

You can educate yourself into the power of therapeutic-grade essential oils just by using them yourself so that you experience their unique healing power.

You can become an active agent for change in many ways. By doing so, you will be living in the style of the New Reality now. When you choose to help others by recommending essential oils where appropriate, you can easily make such activity a part-time or full-time profession – one that will support you while you support others.

If you are already a spiritual practitioner – a teacher, healer, massage therapist, hypnotherapist, or any other professional who works from the heart – you can add the activity of recommending essential oils to your business. This will build passive or residual income which will continue independently of whatever hours you choose to work in your practice.

To find out what steps you need to take to pursue this course of action and help build the New Reality, click the Continue button to enroll as a Young Living Essential Oils Member. We will follow up with all the necessary educational material to ensure your success in building your own referrals business.
