Category Archives: Dreama Vance

The Light Reveals Itself

by Dreama Vance

I never cease to be amazed that I awaken more and more… again and again… when I thought I was already Awake!!

How is that possible?

One of the ways I know Truth is through this phenomenon: I can read a work of spiritual teachings over and over and…

1) It is as if I’ve never read it previously, or

2) I get a totally different insight/realization than what I knew or understood from prior readings.

Like the layers of an onion, you go deeper and deeper into wisdom. In point of fact, we rise higher and higher in aspects of consciousness.

In the 7-chakra system and the related energy bodies, we function, as a humanity, at the third level – right around the solar plexus. The first three levels, from the root chakra at the base of the spine up to the solar plexus, are concerned with our physical, emotional, and mental energies.

The fourth level, of course, is the heart. The heart is the bridge between our physicality (the lower three levels) and our spiritual nature, the upper three chakras. Everyone pretty much knows this information. However, in between the fourth-level heart chakra and the fifth-level throat chakra is another chakra (not part of the seven major chakras) that is vitally important. It is right in the center of the chest between the heart center and the throat.

This chakra is the “gatekeeper” to the higher spiritual centers (5, 6, and 7). We must master the lower levels of the physical self before we are allowed deep access to the higher spiritual centers. True, we can move our conscious awareness up to these centers and take a peek, but we do not dwell there or even gain deep awareness until we master the lower physical levels. Let’s face it, it has taken humanity “countless great eons” to get to the solar plexus level.

We must learn to live the inner life. Everyone has heard, “As above, so below. As below, so above.” But it is the rest of the axiom, “As within, so without. As without, so within.” that we must come to understand. It is the dwelling within and the understanding of the nature of existence and how it works that explains the external world.

The understanding that the external world is created from the internal focus reveals to us what is going on in the unconscious self. In other words, two things are taking place simultaneously: The internal attention manifests the external experience; the external shows us clearly what is dwelling at our deeper levels – often unconsciously, thus revealing our beliefs and emotions.

It is this discovery, disciplinary focus, and mastery that leads us from fear into love.

We must know the existential laws. We must know the very nature of existence itself.

We must know and understand that we are this very nature and that the nature of this energy of existence is in everything we see in the manifested form, and know in the unmanifested. We must know and understand at this most fundamental level in order to move out of fear and into Truth realization.

Once we know this intellectually, we begin to practice. We begin to train our conscious awareness to focus on our intentions and later, as our relationship with this energy of existence develops and we mature in our understanding and trust in this energy, we step into our true raison d’etre.

Between July 26, 2016 – July 24, 2017, we came through the Galactic Calendar year of Blue Spectral Storm. (See previous article to understand more of the details of this energy.) This year of Storm brought whipping winds and torrential rains that pounded on our beliefs and shook loose much debris that obscured our ability to see clearly. Indeed, it is very much as if we saw through a glass darkly. Now, after the storm, we have clear sight.

On so many levels, I see differently. The shenanigans of the global elite are no longer secret. The storm energy has blown the cover off that agenda that has been in the works for a century. If you are not aware of this yet, you may want to take a look at the video, Thrive, to see how we can reclaim our lives and our future. Once you become aware, you can make different choices. You have the power to make change through your choices.

On a spiritual level, personally, I finally “got” one of the higher spiritual teachings. One of my teachers pointed out there is not so much difference between “good humanhood” and “bad humanhood.” It is still humanhood. We must rise up to the spirit level and live from this plane of understanding. All that “faith” I had in being a “good human” went flying out the window with those winds of transformation. But now, I see so clearly. Transformation – which is what the year of Storm brought to us – really does, in the end, feel like rebirth.

Spiritually, from a more global perspective, doesn’t the world look new?

Yellow Crystal Seed

The new year, Yellow Crystal Seed started on July 26th, 2017. The energy of potential is vibrating through the air.

Clean. Bright. Golden opportunity.

You hold it in your hands. You have the power to grow the new seeds of thought and action in this new year.

We are the light bearers. It is time to awaken fully. It is time to hold our focus on the light. See it in your own being. Hold it in your meditations and then see it in the world wherever you are drawn to hold the light.

It is an existential law that when you hold your focus on the light, the light reveals itself.

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Blue Spectral Storm

by Dreama Vance

We live in a world of time. We live this time through our experience of cycles. Spring follows winter. Day follows night. We plant and give birth by the cycles of the moon.

Long before the ruckus over whether the world would end in 2012, most of us were introduced to the cyclic calendars of the Maya. They are renowned for their many ways of tracking cycles of time, large expanses of time. Everyone who studied this knew December 21, 2012 was not “the end of time,” but the end of a 26,000 year cycle; and, consequently, the beginning of a new cycle.

This new cycle moves us back towards the light, towards remembering.

For over 5,000 years, cultures all over the world have used a 13-moon, 28-day count calendar. In the time our earth orbits the Sun, our moon has orbited us 13 times. The 13-moon, 28-day count is an ancient, universal, harmonic measure. If you close your eyes and feel this, you will feel the balance with nature that this brings to your being.

The 13 Moon Galactic Calendar has come to us in large part through the teachings and visionary work of Dr. Jose Arguelles.

Each day of this 13 Moon Annual Calendar is synchronized with the 260-day Galactic Overlay. This galactic overlay is composed of 20 solar frequencies, shown as Glyphs, moving in 13-day cycles called Tones, providing a mental and spiritual focus for each day. Using the Glyph and Tone of the day and the code words for each, the calendar shows you how to construct the “Dreamspell Affirmation.”

These affirmations are a focus unifying people in over 90 countries, powerfully activating “global synchronization of our intentions.” The meditation is to be felt through the vibration. It is not meant to be understood by the analytical mind.

This calendar is a beautiful, fascinating work that I have explored and studied for several years now. I love the feel of the natural rhythms and I love to think of thousands of people every day exploring the same energies of higher frequencies through the Glyphs and Tones of the day.

So it is that we come to the title and purpose of this article. The new year of this 13 Moon Galactic Calendar always begins July 26th of the Gregorian calendar. Whatever Glyph and Tone occur on this day set the tone and energies of the new year ahead. Thus from July 26, 2016 we have been in the year of Blue Spectral Storm.

The year of Storm. Who knew we would be battered about like so much flotsam? Have you been through wildly raging emotions? Who knew we could even experience such extremes from ecstatic bliss (the eye of the storm) to the rage of wind and rain as it pummeled us and shook loose every belief we held dear and through which we structured our life?

Having experienced all of this in my own life, I look around and I see it everywhere. I hear others ranting like a crazy person or sobbing that they feel as if a part of their soul has been lost. I look at the elections in the U.S. this past November and observe in shock the vicious attacks being engineered against one person.

The Year of the Storm. Life is a mosaic of pieces. Very much like a jigsaw puzzle we carefully put the pieces together, working to form the picture we hold in our mind. We hold this picture through our belief system. With gale force winds, this year blew through my life and tossed that jigsaw puzzle into a thousand pieces. Every spiritual belief, every understanding of Truth got blown into a whirlwind. Then the rain pounded on it. Lightning lit everything in a flash and thunder rolled over all of it with a roar.

Blue Spectral Storm. I don’t really need to define Storm. Everyone knows and has experienced this energy. Spectral is the Tone of the year. It is number 11 of 13 and the energies are the dynamic of dissonance. How’s that for magnifying Storm energy? Spectral power dissolves, releases, liberates.

So here we are, almost at the end of Blue Spectral Storm. Thank you, God. What a ride it has been! Although I would not want to do it again, there is a small part of me that is sad to see it go. That part of me appreciates what it accomplished.

I stand bedraggled, battered and bruised, my concept of self shaken. As I look around me, I see the jigsaw pieces of the puzzle of my life. I see a new picture that I am to put together. The old concepts have fallen away. The old me is now gone.

Out of Chaos Comes Renewal

Out of chaos comes renewal. Everyone loves the smell of the air after a rainstorm. It is clean, fresh. The earth awakens again. The birds come out to sing. The Sun, as Annie says, does come out tomorrow.

Our new Galactic Year is starting this July 26, 2017.

The new year is called Yellow Crystal Seed. The seeds of renewal. Seeds contain the power of life; the power of potential. We have the power to reseed our creation, our vision of life. Crystal energy brings a model of cooperation and a complex stability. It calls us to universalize, to translate our knowledge and insights, to assist in the elevation of the common good.

After the storm, we are called to rethink, to renew, to reach for a higher understanding. We are called to see the universal picture and our role in the coherent formation of the sacred circle.

The jigsaw puzzle no longer is laid out on the table. It is a moving, living, 3-D model. Like a hologram, it is huge, complex, detailed. It is incredibly beautiful and it is full of light! Watching it move, change, and expand as it reflects my life, thoughts, and beliefs is amazingly exciting.

Choose the seeds you will sow in this new year and let the energies of cooperation and universal synthesis weave together in your own puzzle of life. May you be blessed this new year with flowering and awareness.

Note: If you would like to obtain your own 13Moon Galactic Calendar or learn more, you can visit this site:

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Pebbles or Rose Petals?

by Dreama Vance

“Love, Forgiveness, and Kindness.” With those three words the Qigong Master roped me into his teaching. “The source of qigong healing power is unconditional love, forgiveness, and kindness,” he said. Having studied qigong with two other Qigong Masters and two other teachers over the years and never hearing any use of those words in their teachings, I was immediately captivated by this radiant, small Chinese man. I knew I had finally found the Qigong Master for me.

roseandpetalsThese three words, love, kindness and forgiveness are a guideline for a happy, joyful life. The further I go on my own spiritual journey, the more I see how the actions of these three words, love, kindness, and forgiveness directly parallel the results obtained from the actions: happiness and joy.

Most of us have been taught these principles as children, but something happens as we mature and discover, as Scott Peck tells us in The Road Less Traveled, “Life is difficult.”

Every spiritual seeker can cultivate these actions. As we go into our quiet space, we can contemplate these words. As we live our daily life, we can put these words into action. As we put these words into action, we manifest the joy and happiness we seek and want to experience in this lifetime.

Most of humanity practices conditional love. It is, in fact, pretty easy to practice conditional love! It is unconditional love where we sometimes struggle. However, unconditional love is something, I have discovered, that comes from the Divine.

Unconditional love flows through you. It is always there. We don’t really need to struggle to experience it. We just need to tap into it. We only need to remember it. We need to connect with it…and when we do… the power of this energy will bring us to our knees. Honestly, when you begin to practice this way of being, it is difficult not to grab people off the street and hug them. You will feel such love for everything… for all of humanity. You will love the Earth. You will see her. You will see beauty as if you had never seen the world.

I still remember a raw food teacher talking about returning to Russia when her mother was dying. As she sat by the bedside, her mother was going in and out of consciousness. Just as she thought her mother had drawn her last breath, her mother opened her eyes and looked at her and said, “I have wasted my entire life. It is all about love.”

Now, the mother was a very successful woman. She was a college professor and had reared a family of well-adjusted and successful children. How could she have thought she had wasted her life? And yet, it is obvious from her last words… “it is all about love” that she had in the end, seen that light of understanding that can only come from Spirit. Life, is indeed, all about love.

Forgiveness is a major player in both our emotional and our physical well being. Unbalanced emotions themselves play a big role in creating physical problems in the body. It is pretty easy to forgive small matters. What about big issues? Is there something someone did that is unforgivable? Stop and think. Are you still carrying that baggage around with you?

If you find it impossible to let go of the hurt and anger, pretend. You know you need to forgive for your own sake. So set the intention that you will forgive and then pretend you are forgiving that person. Practice pretending to forgive over and over in your quiet space, chanting, “I forgive you.” Watch as the miracle of forgiveness opens within you. Forgiveness opens the doors to freedom of the spirit.

Kindness is, I find, the most actionable of the three words in our daily life. Out of the three words, kindness is the word that we do (or don’t do) as we go about living our life. We become, as the Wizard of Oz says, good-deed-doers. Overt acts of kindness are easily recognizable. You hold open the door at a store for someone using a walker. You volunteer at the hospital or a nursing home. You adopt a pet from the Humane Society. These are acts of kindness.

There are, however, deeper, more subtle levels of this energy. It expresses through our very nature as we mature in our spiritual growth. We begin to be aware of our words and thoughts. Are we throwing pebbles (okay, some people actually throw stones) with our words? Are we critical in any way when we speak to others? Are we critical when we speak about others? Is our own self-talk negative? Constructive criticism is an oxymoron. Our words should be rose petals of kindness. We want to uplift with our words.

As this energy deepens, it becomes even more subtle. Now we find, not only do we want our words to be love in action, but even our very thoughts are being overtaken by this energy of kindness. This energy begins to grow more conscious in our awareness. It begins to evolve within us, kindly demanding to be expressed in our very thoughts and words of expression.

pinkrosepetalsIt is amazing to me how this energy of kindness develops. Now, instead of “trying to be nice” we find this energy is living and expressing through us. It feels almost like an Angel of Kindness has taken up residence in our being. This energy is very connected to a peaceful spirit. I find that the more kindness is expressed, the stronger peace settles into our being.

So, scatter rose petals wherever you go, spreading love, kindness, and forgiveness into the world. Experience a life of happiness and joy!

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What’s the Plan?

by Dreama Vance

DarrenHardyDarren Hardy is a motivational speaker that I heard at a convention. He had a PowerPoint slide with two side-by-side images. On one side was a slovenly dressed, middle-aged, overweight man in front of a clunker of a car, in front of a run-down house. On the other side was a picture of a well-groomed, trim man with a beautiful woman and two smiling children in front of a sleek car in front of a beautiful house and landscaped lawn. His question was, “Where do you want to be?”

I always laugh when I think about this picture because it is such a visual image and is applicable to just about everything in life. Indeed, his message in his presentation was that it is what you do everyday that determines where you will be in five, ten or twenty years. But first, you have to have a plan.

Everything starts with a plan. Do you want to have lunch with friends? You have to make a plan. Do you want to lose ten pounds weight? You have to have a plan. Do you want to be spiritually enlightened? What’s the plan? The odds are pretty good that something is not going to fall out of the sky, hit you in the head, and magically transform you.

Getting things done and accomplished requires a plan. When you go buy weekly groceries, you probably go with a plan… either you have a grocery list of things to buy, or you have some idea in your head of what your meals will be in the coming week and therefore know what you need to purchase. There is a maintenance plan for your car and when you take it in for service, you either plan to wait for it or plan for someone to pick you up and return you when the car is ready. There is a plan.

Making plans and following them help us get to where we want to be. You have the picture of what you want and then you break it down into daily practices that are doable and will get you the desired outcome. If your plan is to one day run a marathon and you have never run a mile, you aren’t going to go out and run that marathon today. You are going to train for it. You are going to map out a plan. You are going to keep your ultimate goal in mind, but start with a much smaller and manageable aspect of the bigger picture.

Only you can make your plans. Others can help and give assistance, but your plan depends on you… where you are now, where do you want to be, what are you already doing on a consistent basis, how big a step can you take at a time… these all depend on you.

Can you meditate for two hours everyday? If you already meditate for an hour, then probably the answer is yes; but if you find it difficult to meditate twenty minutes, then you will need to decrease your time to a more comfortable period so that you can maintain the daily habit. If twenty minutes is uncomfortable, then you will soon give up. Better to decrease the time and establish the habit. Once the habit is comfortably established, then you can slowly increase the time. See how it works?

What you do consistently is how you achieve the desired outcome.

So make your plans for your health and well-being by mapping out the changes in your diet and your exercise routine, your spiritual life, time with family, whatever your priorities are. What do you want that picture of you to look like in five years time?

Design your plan!

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So how are those New Year’s Resolutions?

by Dreama Vance

DreamaMaybe I shouldn’t even go there 🙂 but if a change in your diet was one of your resolutions and is now a thing of the past, then let me share a secret to success.

Many people think going cold turkey is the best way to stop doing something or the best way to stop eating something. For some people this is successful.

If this works for you, congratulations! For many of us, however, the step is too big. A hole gets left when the activity or the food choice is eliminated. This hole is particularly noticeable because what we want to eliminate is something that is habitual. When we completely eliminate the habit, we tend to look around and wonder what to do with ourselves! What do we do instead with the time? What do we eat instead of bread, or soda pop? If the answer is Nothing, we may start to get very antsy. The Universe abhors a vacuum!

So the secret is to insert a step called “Substitute” first before you eliminate. You can stay at the Substitute stage for as long as you need to remain at that level. Always keep your ultimate goal in the back of your mind, knowing you will eventually get to it. The Substitute level is a step in your journey to better health and wholeness.

Here is our example of how we eliminated bread at our house. First we changed from “normal bread” to sprouted grain bread. In the U.S. there is a brand called Ezekiel bread, and this is what we started buying. I will tell you that when we started eating this, it tasted like straw or hay to me… at least that was my idea of what straw would taste like.

But, after a bit, we got used to the taste and forgot about the other stuff we used to eat. In other words, we created a new habit and just always bought the Ezekiel bread when we went to the store. We stayed at this level for quite awhile. Sandwiches and wraps play a big role in most of our food choices because they are convenient and easy to fix or grab and go, particularly for lunches.

When I was finally ready to eliminate bread, the step was not so big. By then, I had figured out that I could put everything I would normally put in a sandwich into a bowl without the bread.

At our house, one of our favorite Sunday traditions is breakfast burritos. The burritos have evolved as we have changed our diets. When I eliminated eggs and cheese, we substituted beans and potatoes – vegan style. Here, too, we utilized the substitution step. Later, we changed the tortilla wrap to a sprouted grain wrap. Then, later still, we completely eliminated the wrap and put everything layered into a bowl.

The first time we tried the burrito without the tortilla, we were sure we were going to really miss the wrap. What a surprise to find the taste was so much better without the bread! Who knew the bread actually dulled the taste of the other ingredients? Yep, even my husband liked it better without the tortilla wrap.

I used the same technique with coffee. I substituted Teeccino, which is a caffeine-free herbal coffee. You even brew it like coffee. Sometimes, just the routine of making something, like a pot of coffee in the morning, is what we find comforting. I used this for years, until I stopped, and then replaced it with warm lemon water in the morning.

There are two points to make this Substitution step successful. One is to allow yourself the freedom to substitute. It’s okay. You don’t have to go cold turkey. Realize that you will take that final step of eliminating what you no longer desire in your diet or life and that the Substitution step is a step towards this.

The second key is to substitute with something that is better for you and similar enough that you still enjoy it. In other words, you want to replace so that you are not creating what feels like a big hole in your life.

This technique has been used successfully by many in changing to healthier diets and in creating better habits.

Here’s to the New You!

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by Dreama Vance

WinterSolsticeIn December of 2012, Spiritual Dynamics held our first Deep Soul Access course in conjunction with preparation for the 2012 Gateway on Winter Solstice. This was a deeply spiritual time when many across the planet were in meditation for the transformative energy of the planet. I seemed to live mostly from the fourth level of consciousness during those three weeks, barely aware of daily living happening at our third level of consciousness. It was a magical time as the Earth stepped into that Gateway.

As a result of this experience, Winter Solstice has become my favorite day of the year. For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice is December 21st.

It is the day when Yin energy is at its peak and calls us to move into inner reflection.

YinYangYin and Yang energy are the two basic energies. They are polar opposites and come together to create everything in our universe. They are constantly transitioning. When one is strongest, the other is weakest. This only happens two times a year. As one energy reaches its peak and tips over, the other energy then begins to grow and strengthen. The switching point is a very powerful time.

As Yin energy reaches its strongest point on Winter Solstice we are drawn by the energy to experience our inner wisdom, to delve into the deep mysteries of the inner planes.

Take time on this December 21st to walk through the beauty of your life during the past year. Look at what you have accomplished and see how you have progressed in your journey.

In qigong I have learned there is no “wrong” way to practice; there is only good, better, and best. I have learned to apply that concept throughout my life. When you review this past year, I hope you will utilize this concept of good, better and best as you assess your progress. There is no failure and no wrong. If you even gave thought to change in a positive direction, this is good.

For the last four years in my work with the Masters, I have been told of the importance of juicing and the importance of using the essential oils from Young Living. This is why I began to teach and write articles about these topics.

As we move into higher frequencies, it is important that we lighten the physical body. One of the things happening now on the planet is we are receiving more light. In order to hold this light and this energy, we can assist the body by eating lighter foods and what I call cleaner foods. These are foods that do not clog the body. They are easy to digest; they are high in water content and, therefore, are cleansing by nature. These are fruits and vegetables in there natural uncooked state.

Fresh juice, unpasteurized, is one of the easiest and best ways to consume these foods. They are nutrient dense and the body absorbs these quickly and easily.

So, when the Masters began to give me this information, I had to start working on this. I had to get serious about what they were telling me. I had been juicing for years, but it was “occasional” juicing… when it was convenient. Now that the Masters were giving me this information with repeated frequency, I decided to start doing some juice fasting and to start juicing on a regular basis.

This is how I discovered Jason Vale and his quarterly juice fasts. I am amazed as I review my year, that I participated and completed every one of his juice fasts this year. Additionally, I have, for the past several months, been very successful at daily juicing 32 ounces of vegetable juice. Even when time is short and I need to be running out the door in the morning, I manage to juice at least a quart (i.e. 32 ounces or 1 liter) of mixed citrus juices to take on the go.

Why am I telling you about my success? Because if I can do this, anyone can do this.

It is a fabulous thing to do for your body and your health. But even more important is the fact that, yes, it does make a difference in your spiritual growth. It is the same with the essential oils. Will you see a difference if you juice just once or use an oil once? Probably not, although some people have had life changing experiences with one application of a Young Living essential oil, so I’m not saying it can’t happen. But usually it is something you become aware of over a period of time. Clarity begins to happen. Your emotions begin to balance out. Your focus changes. What seemed important becomes not so important after all and you find yourself seeking quiet time, seeking contemplation. You find yourself wanting less clutter in your life and less noise in your mind.

As the feminine Yin energy reaches its peak on December 21st and then begins to lessen, the Yang energy starts to grow.

In beautiful synchronicity, another key event occurs on December 20th this year. The 260-day Tzolkin calendar, one of the Mayan calendars, restarts on December 20th. This is the energy of rebirth and a new cycle of galactic energy. Each 260-day cycle is a sacred cycle of creation and is a spiral voyage in time that reflects the human gestational period. This galactic calendar spins in ongoing 260-day spiraling cycles perpetually. The Solstice will magnify these beginning, birthing energies, thus making this the perfect time to reflect on our past successes and the perfect time to reflect on new beginnings. It is the time to dream our visions and choose our desires for manifestation during this next ascending evolutionary spiral of galactic spin.

First, reflect on what you have accomplished. Then, reflect on the potential within you to create. Visualize these energies you want to bring into manifested form. Then you will be ready to move into action, as the Yang energy begins to grow and the new spiral of galactic energies begin once again.

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In the Still of the Night

by Dreama Vance

A ritual, as opposed to a habit or routine, is something done with intention and for me it holds a sense of reverence. Therein lies the power of ritual.

This is one of my favorite ways to use Young Living essential oils. They are such beautiful gifts from the essence of Creation itself. To be conscious of this every time you open one of these tiny bottles of pure essential oils brings you into the present moment. If you are conscious of what you are holding in your hand, it will center you and bring you fully present into the here and now.

By holding an intention, the oils will magnify this vibrationally. This is why you want to be conscious and aware of what you are thinking and your emotional intent when you use these oils.

I use Young Living essential oils throughout my day. I always start and end my day with them. They are such a pleasure to use and bring me such joy. If you don’t yet have a set of these spiritually empowering oils, you can use the link at the bottom of this article to order yours.

It took me a couple of years of using a select group of these oils everyday before I began to understand how these oils work from a spiritual point of view. They carry the blueprint of the Infinite within them. They carry the energy of the Sun, the Earth, and the stars within them. It is this Universal energy that calls to me. And it is this energy that attracts this same energy to me. In other words, these oils draw to me what will support me in my spiritual growth. This is what I have found.

Do you see this? Can you understand how much bigger these oils are than just their chemical composition? I have only found this with Young Living oils and it is entirely due to the Seed to Seal process that is Young Living’s guarantee. It is this promise of caring, of stewardship, of purity, and the knowledge and wisdom of decades of research that allow these oils to come to us with this energy intact.

On our spiritual journey, there are many things that come our way that seem ridiculous to our unawakened mind. It is a step of faith to move forward in spite of the mind’s arguments. Yet, we all have this calling within us to move forward on our path. It is only as we do so that we are able to see from a different perspective. What seemed ridiculous now becomes a path to greater truth.

Night time, when we sleep, is an opportunity to accomplish so much! Healing happens when we sleep. Our day gets processed through our dreams. We may be doing much work from a spiritual point of view when we are sleeping. Before we go to sleep is a great time to set your intention for those next few hours.

Do you have a beautiful ritual before bed?

There are two Young Living essential oils I like to use just before bed: Sacred Frankincense and Peace and Calming.

Just the name, Sacred Frankincense, says it all. Frankincense is a life-enhancing oil. Sacred life. What better place to go during sleep than to that sacred place within your own being? Set your intention to be in that beautiful place and apply the oil where ever you choose… the crown of the head, over the heart center…let your intuition guide you.

Peace and Calming is one of those gorgeous oils. The fragrance is rich and romantic. It reminds me of hearts and flowers and it has a beautiful blue color.

Each night as you prepare for bed, put a drop of Peace and Calming on the sole of each foot. Then, put a couple of drops in your hand and circle three times clockwise, to activate and harmonize the oil with your intention, then smooth the oil over your neck and top of your shoulders.

Breathe from your hands once you are in bed. Just breathe naturally nine times. Feel how your breathing deepens as you go along. Feel how the tension begins to ease. Feel how the mind starts to quiet. Place yourself in the presence of the Infinite.

In the still of the night, Peace and Calming, Sacred Frankincense… a blissful night.

If you don’t yet have a set of these spiritually empowering oils, here is the link to learn more about their purity and remarkable qualities:

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Spice Up Your Life

by Dreama Vance

It has turned cold and gray and rainy where we are in Colorado. When the weather turns cold, cooling raw foods lose their appeal. The last thing I want in the morning is a cold smoothie!

There is hope, however, for those of us still aspiring to increase our raw food intake. It comes in the form of additions to our fresh juices and at the top of the list is fresh ginger. I rediscovered this spice last year at this time and I have been adding it to my green juices and my carrot-based juices for over a year now.

Using fresh ginger warms you all the way through your body and keeps you warm long after the juice is gone. It has amazing health benefits which you can research yourself.

In the last Juice Cleanse event with Jason Vale, we started each day with a Ginger Shot. Just before you start to juice your regular juice, juice half an apple and half an inch (1 cm+) of fresh ginger root. You can pour this into a shot glass and drink it in one swallow, but I like to just drink mine normally. As you get used to ginger, you can add more. If you are timid, you can start out with less ginger. This is a great wake-up in the morning. It is particularly good to replace caffeine. It also gets you started until your normal juice is ready!

Here is another one of Jason Vale’s recipes from a previous cleanse, Lemon/Ginger Zinger. Juice 2 carrots, 2 sweet apples, 1-inch (2.5 cm) of lemon (with peel if organic,) and a quarter-inch of fresh ginger root. I like to add about an inch of ginger. It’s delicious.

My last recipe is a green juice and an adaptation of Lou Corona’s Lemon Ginger Blast. Juice 2 sweet apples (such as Fuji or Gala,) 4 sticks of celery, 1 cucumber, some greens such as Swiss chard, kale, or spinach, 1 lemon (with peel if organic,) 1 inch of ginger root, 1 inch of jalapeno pepper. This is spicy hot and delicious. If you aren’t accustomed to heat, start with less ginger and jalapeno. I like the fresh jalapeno pepper much better than dry cayenne powder. This juice is a power house. Once you have the basic recipe down, then you can add and subtract to it or swap out your greens. You can add dandelion, fennel, and mint or cilantro or parsley. Each ingredient has its own healing properties.

You may never do a complete cleanse and you may never do a juice fast or a water fast. However, if you juice everyday, with your own fresh juice or fresh juice from a juice bar, you will start on a path of good health.

Green juices don’t have to taste yucky. Two sweet apples make just about any green juice palatable. For hardier fare, carrot juice combinations work well.

If you start your day with fresh juice, when the stomach is empty, the juice is quickly absorbed right into your system. You will begin to alkalize and hydrate your body. You will begin to nourish your body with easily accessible nutrients. It is one of the best ways to take charge of your health.

Jay Kordich, a Master of Juice Therapy recommends 32 ounces (equal to one liter or one US quart) of fresh juice a day. I like to get mine done first thing in the morning so I am finished for the day; otherwise, one excuse after another gets in the way. You will be surprised at how nourishing, filling, and long-lasting those 32 ounces of juice are.

If you haven’t made daily juicing one of your steps on the journey of good health, I hope you will be inspired to start!

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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Cleanse and Purify

by Dreama Vance

One of the arts we are taught from spiritual wisdom teachings is the practice of cleansing and fasting.

We have just finished the Juice Challenge with Jason Vale and I hope you joined in with us! A juice fast is a great way to reset your thought processes, repattern your behaviors, and restart your good intentions.

Any cleanse awakens newness within you. Insights begin to come to you. Awareness is revealed about food and your choices. Realizations that were hidden are suddenly right there in your mind if you pay attention and take a few minutes to reflect and allow Spirit to reveal itself.

Is it any wonder we are told to cleanse and fast? I am amazed that this is not more specifically addressed by today’s spiritual teachers.

I love NEW. I love the feel of fresh, clean sheets on the bed. I love the energy of a just-cleaned house. I love the beginning of a month and use that as a time to start new projects. I am a seeker; I love learning new things. I love beginnings. If you can relate to any of these ideas, then you can understand the value of a cleanse. It is about renewal.

There are many ways to cleanse the body. Juice fasting is just one of them and is a fairly general, overall aid in assisting the body. There are, however, many other resources available and specific cleanses for the different body systems.

Cleansing is probably the most important thing you can do for your health.

The Young Living Essential Oils company has wonderful products that support cleansing the body and I would like to talk about how to start with one of their products that is a specific cleansing protocol called Cleansing Trio. It is incredibly easy to do.

If you are like my husband who swears he will never do a juice fast, then this is for you! If my husband can do it, anyone can. It is that simple and easy.

First, did you know there is an order to follow in cleansing the body systems? Many people have heard of a liver cleanse or a gallbladder cleanse. However, you don’t want to do any of those until you have first done a colon cleanse. The colon is the main avenue of exit for removal of toxins from the body. You don’t want to be cleansing the liver of toxins and have a colon that is not functioning up to par!

In Chinese Medicine, we clean the colon in the Fall, which allows us to prepare for the spring time cleaning of the liver, when we naturally gravitate to those wonderful bitter greens such as dandelion. Your body has a rhythm that follows Nature. Chinese Medicine and the Five Element Theory is the a study of this connection. It has been studied and practiced for thousands of years, with a focus on longevity and good health.

You can start your colon cleanse with Young Living’s Cleansing Trio.

The Cleansing Trio is a kit that contains three products: Comfortone, ICP, and Essentialzyme, all packaged together and priced lower than the sum of each product sold individually.

The primary reason this cleanse is so easy to do is that it is self-monitoring. Another reason it is so easy is because you don’t have to change your diet! I did this cleanse last year over the holidays and during a house move!

White flour products and most dairy products are the culprits in creating the paste that lines the colon and starts creating problems. The more you eliminate these and the more you increase “real food” – actual fruits and vegetables – the better and happier your digestive system will be. If you have never done a cleanse, now is the time to start!

The secret to keeping this cleanse comfortable is drinking at least two quarts (two liters) of water a day, preferably three quarts. This is key. It may sound like a lot, but it is quite manageable.

Using Young Living products is one of the ways I take care of my family. This company is about empowering you to take control of your health. Taking action is the first step.

The deeper you cleanse and the cleaner your food, the more you open the channels of communication to the inner you, allowing greater intuition, insight, and clarity to express into your conscious awareness.

Your body is beautiful and amazing. Love and care for it. It is the only one you get in this circle of life.

If you already are a Young Living member, just sign in and order the Cleansing Trio (Item no. 3115) at:

If you are not a Young Living member, JOIN! I always recommend the Premium Starter Kit with Home Diffuser. It includes the Premium Essential Oils Collection. This is a US$300 value that you can get for $160 and it is a great way to get started. It includes a diffuser and eleven different essential oils that you can use for so many normal everyday needs. You can add the Cleansing Trio (item no. 3115) to your order.

If you don’t want the Premium Starter Kit, you can still become a member by buying the Basic Starter Kit for $40 (US). This basically gives you membership and allows you to purchase at wholesale pricing. (You can also purchase the Cleansing Trio retail; it is completely up to you.) You can add the Cleansing Trio (item no. 3115) to your order. To sign up as a new Member, go to:

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The Bigger Picture

by Dreama Vance

Are you, right now, in the Present Moment? Or is your mind on a thousand different things, thinking about what you have on hand to fix for supper tonight, whether you are going to be late to pick up the kids, the argument you had with a colleague or your boss…


If you have some Young Living oils, take out a bottle, open it up and inhale. I love Stress Away for this, or Lavender, or Frankincense, or Sacred Mountain, or Believe, or… you get my point. Just breathing consciously is good, but we have to work at it a little to let go of that charged up energy of hurry, hurry, hurry, too-much-to-do!

Breathing in one of Young Living’s essential oils is better. Why? Because it makes centering so much easier. Centering happens almost automatically when you inhale one of these oils. Breathing in one of these oils six to eight times, you will find… Yourself.

Yes, you didn’t even know you were lost, but you were scattered all over the place and this is where most of us live most of the time. Our energy is quite literally splattered. So when this happens, when your energy is all over the place, where are you? Take a moment to find yourself and to be present.

Now that you are here in the present moment, open your heart. Open your heart so that you are receptive to a new way of seeing, of understanding at a different level.

Open your heart, knowing that there is so much more to life than our everyday perception of it. Allow wisdom to begin to percolate as you continue reading, knowing that information comes to you on many levels, not just at an intellectual level.

The Big Picture

We live within the consciousness of the planet. Yes, that’s right. We live within the consciousness of the planet. Hold that thought in your awareness as I briefly run through the way most people think about the evolution of consciousness.

Overall, humanity as a whole has functioned at the solar plexus level of consciousness for many eons of time, believing in separation and the duality of existence.

We are beginning to shift in our awareness to lower heart-centered consciousness. This is where we become aware of something bigger than ourselves… where something more important than “me and mine” enters our awareness. The environmental movement is a good example of this.

As we move to upper heart-centered consciousness, we get the first glimpse of the spiritual levels of existence as the upper heart center bridges the lower physical chakras with the higher spiritual ones.

Around in this area, we begin to perceive unity consciousness. We know it intellectually and think we understand it, but that is really solar plexus thinking! It is the experience at these higher levels of consciousness that begins to awaken our understanding of this concept.

From this initial understanding of unity consciousness, many people make a gigantic leap and go straight to, “I am God.” At this point, they consider themselves “enlightened” and basically done. They think, “I am God. God is all. What else is there?”

Hmm… I think they left out the middle bit.

Very few teachers, if any, talk about this concept of planetary consciousness dwelling within us, or us living within the consciousness of the Earth.

We certainly know the Earth is a conscious being. However, even in this understanding, we tend to view the Earth from an egocentric position. What this means is we still perceive ourselves as most important and the Earth as just… well, someone or something else.

We see her as important, yes, of course… we recognize all of the environmental issues. We may even have experience with the Essene teachings where we recognize her as the Earthly Mother. We may even acknowledge with gratitude her role as our home, just as we acknowledge the Sun and its role in supporting life on our planet. Yet, we still see both the Earth and the Sun as objects.

In all of this, we have failed, quite miserably, to comprehend the truly enormous spiritual power of the Earth. The Earth is a conscious being. We have not understood the sacredness, the holy energy that is the breath and heart of this planet. Her light and power would literally blind us, should she reveal it to us.

Because we have not been aware of that energy, we have missed the realization of her tremendous sacrifice in shielding that light so that we may have residence here to experience our own evolution in consciousness. This is a master teaching for another time but if your heart is open, you will begin to understand the thought I told you to hold in your focus:

We live in the consciousness of the planet.

So, here is a part of the Bigger Picture. In our movement into separation, we have gone farther and farther away from the teachings of Wholeness. We have moved away from the foundations of life provided by the planet. Those foundations are based on plants. Plants are the foundation of our food supply. The rainforests are foundational in climate control and helping oxygenate the air we breathe. Plants as food and medicine are inextricably woven together.

If you think of the Earth as a Mother, then plants are mother’s milk to her children. They are our food; they nourish us; they protect us; they heal us.

We are in the middle of The Shift. The Earth is calling us back to her teachings. As she continues to release more spiritual energy, we are vibrationally pulled to her larger consciousness.

This is why changes in diet are so prevalent at this time. This is why veganism, whole food and raw food diets are popping up all over the world. This is why people are seeking alternative healing methods. This is why Young Living essential oils are global… Plants! They have been and are the foundation to Wholeness.

Now you have a glimpse of the bigger picture. However, as you expand in consciousness, the picture continues to get bigger! Next time, we will look at another facet of the bigger picture…it is all about energy.

In the meantime, you can find out more about Young Living essential oils with two great educational videos here:

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