Take It Slow and Easy, but Do It!

by Dreama Vance

Last week we talked about eliminating processed foods from the diet. This one step, in and of itself, starts a healing journey for the body.

You see, the body is designed to be self-healing. Have you ever cut your finger and done nothing to help it? Did it heal? The Divine energy that is within us, that is us, has intelligence. It is what beats our heart, draws our breath, causes our blood to flow and our food to digest.

The body is designed to maintain homeostasis, or balance.

So what happens to throw the body out of balance? How do we end up with such things as heart disease and arthritis?

In the world of natural health, illness or disease is deemed to result from either 1) toxicity, or 2) a lack or depletion, usually of nutrients. We also now know that there can be a mind-body-spirit component involved, but for now, let’s stay focused on the physical.

In Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s book, ‘The China Study,” he divides disease into two types: Diseases of affluence (nutritional extravagance) such as cancers, diabetes, coronary heart disease; and diseases of poverty (nutritional inadequacy and poor sanitation) such as pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, and parasitic disease.

You can easily see that processed food would weigh heavily in the toxic category and would also weigh in under diseases of affluence.

When you stop consuming something harmful, your body will naturally begin to release and detoxify, start the healing journey, and find its way back to balance. This applies to both harmful foods and harmful thoughts.

I know many of you are already on this journey and are quite conscious of your diet; however, I continue to be astounded to find wellness educators, energy workers, and others at work in the healing field who appear to be oblivious to this information. I want you to know just how important your diet is, how wrongly informed we have been, and how to start coming into alignment with natural law and the wonderful results that happen, at all levels of our being, when we do. My purpose in writing these articles is to lay a foundation here for you to use in creating the life you desire. We all want health and vitality!

There are many resources out there now informing us of this healing way: Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and his work on heart disease, along with his son’s, “The Engine 2 Diet,” created to assist his fellow firemen. Then there is Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s work and his son’s involvement in Plant-Pure Nation. These are all people bringing information to the public that nutrition and the choices you make about your food play a foundational role in your health. Disease does not just befall you. We have created it, through our ignorance of truth.

Dr. Fred Bisci said in an interview last year, “Humanity has fallen into darkness.” It was a poignant statement. I continue to have friends, old and new, who look at me as if I’m from Mars when I suggest that diet changes could help them with their fibromyalgia, their cancers, their arthritis, or their blood disorder. Dr. Bisci’s statement just about broke my heart.

The good news is you can take action because you now have information and you can help loved ones in your family. Two principles in “The China Study” are relevant here.

Principle #6: “The same nutrition that prevents disease in its early stages (before diagnosis) can also halt or reverse disease in its later stages (after diagnosis).”

Principle # 7: “Nutrition that is truly beneficial for one chronic disease will support health across the board.”

It isn’t that hard. We don’t need a different diet for every disease! Every one of the people mentioned above have books and information available that are easily doable. If brawny firemen in steak-central Austin, Texas can get rid of meat, dairy, refined and processed foods and go plant-strong, anyone can. (See www.Engine2Diet.com)

All of the above people have proven success records and their recommendations are not extreme. The raw and living foods diet has a defined healing diet within it and there are other benefits that arise out of this type of diet that relate to spiritual clarity, but with the exception of serious life-threatening disease, much progress can be made by choosing whole foods and plant-strong diets, which are in the middle of the dietary spectrum we talked about in the previous article.

I want to talk for a moment about Dr. Fred Bisci because I love his work for so many reasons. He is in his 80’s and has been a raw foodist for over 40 years. Very early on my path of exploration into the raw food movement, I got to hear him speak to a small group of about 25 people. He believes strongly in the spiritual foundation of life. He is a PhD nutritionist and has had a long clinical practice, working with many who are sick and ill and those referred by medical doctors.

Although he is a raw foodist, he designs specific diet recommendations to meet you where you are on your journey. He has developed what he calls the Intermediate Diet with a focus on what you leave out (processed food) as well as what you include, such as fresh raw organic food and a moderate amount of cooked food. You can check out the great information on his website, www.AnyDoubtLeaveItOut.com. He is still in practice, so if you need assistance, he is available for consultation.

I promised some of my own tips for making the transition, so here are a few ideas to get you started:

DO IT – Drop One, Include Two.

Drop One processed or unhealthy food from your diet. Include Two practices that promote health.

Just choose one thing to eliminate and two things to add. Focus only on this for a month. By then, it becomes a habit. The habit continues, but you don’t really pay much attention to it, rather like brushing your teeth, you just DO IT!

Next month you will choose again – one thing to eliminate, two good things to add. Focus on those for a month. It becomes a habit. Slowly, over time, you very successfully and easily change.

You don’t really need me to tell you what is unhealthy or what to eliminate. But here are some ideas for adding the good things.

1. Start your day with a 16 oz. glass of good, pure water and the juice of half a lemon. After a while you can add another glass of plain water so that you are getting a quart or liter of water in the morning. This helps flush the system and hydrate the body.

2. Eat some fresh raw fruit or vegetables with every meal. It is very easy to go all day without eating anything raw or fresh. By focusing on adding something fresh to each meal and eating it first, we start to pay attention to consuming live, energy-rich food.

3. Make your snacks raw. My husband decided to give up his afternoon soda pop. Being a Brit, he likes tea. So he replaced the soda with a cup of tea and an orange. This is definitely a step in the right direction! Fresh fruit, a handful of raw nuts and seeds, fresh veggie sticks all make great snacks. One of my favorite mid-morning treats when we are on the road is sliced apple with a small container of raw almond butter. Just dip and munch. Yum!

4. Have raw food for breakfast. This can include fresh fruit, fresh veggie juice, a smoothie, a green smoothie, raw granola or even chia pudding.

5. Every day, make one meal a salad meal. Have most of the salad fresh greens and add your favorite raw veggies for color. Then if you like, you can add some cooked veggies like potato or sweet potato, or steamed broccoli and carrots, or cauliflower, or even add a scoop of cooked beans.

These are just some ideas to get you started or you can create your own healthy practices. The key is to get started and DO IT!

Soon, we will continue to build the foundation by taking a look at the bigger picture to include the planet, the soul and the mind!

Until then, enjoy delicious, health-promoting food!

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