Author Archives: Owen K Waters

About Owen K Waters

Owen K Waters transforms the mysteries of spiritual metaphysics into clarities. As an international spiritual teacher, he has helped hundreds of thousands of spiritual seekers to better understand the nature of their spiritual potential. For over fifty years, he has focused upon gaining spiritual insights through extensive research and the development of his inner vision. As co-founder of the Spiritual Dynamics Academy, he offers spiritual seekers a clear understanding and mastery of the spiritual principles of life.

Seven Facets of Spiritual Awareness

by Owen K Waters

Life can be a treadmill of mundane details or it can be an inspiring adventure of uplifting experiences. Through the regular, daily practice of meditation, you can start each day by raising your frequency of consciousness above the mundane, work-a-day level into the spiritual realms of consciousness.

ThreeCandlesHere are seven facets of spiritual awareness which unfold as a result of daily meditation. Any technique will work. The Ultimate Meditation technique is particularly effective.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number One – Flow

A sense of flow attracts synchronicity into your life’s events. This almost magical sense enables you to always be in the appropriate place at the appropriate time in order to gain the most out of the experiences that the complete you, your inner self, planned for this life.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Two – Unconditional Love

You develop a sense of unconditional love for the inner, spiritual essence of all the people that you connect with in your life. Even the difficult people, as they are often holding up a mirror for you to understand an aspect of past habits which, deep down, you would like to examine at this time.

Your sense of unconditional love naturally includes full acceptance of yourself, just as you are, with the personality that you adopted for this lifetime of experience. You can catch those old thought patterns of self-criticism and remember that you live in a universe which is naturally full of love and unconditional acceptance.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Three – Abundance

Accept abundance as the natural flow of the universe. Forget those opinions about there being something wrong with money. It’s a form of energy and the universe is filled with energy. Life gets a lot more convenient when you are abundant. It gets really inconvenient when you are not.

When you follow your innermost joy, you find yourself doing work that you love and find absorbing. When you find your work absorbing, you become very good at it, without feeling that it took a lot of effort to become that highly skilled. When you are good at your work, employers and customers alike hear about you by word-of-mouth recommendation and they seek you out. The more in-demand your services become, the more they are worth. Following your inner joy is the secret to finding and developing an occupation which brings natural abundance.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Four – Intuitive Insight

Both men and women find that, with regular spiritual practices, their sense of intuition develops smoothly and naturally. Soon, your insights grow to become very valuable in dealing with the challenges of life.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Five – Creativity

A growing sense of creativity becomes apparent when spiritual practices become your daily routine. You discover new ways to achieve results because you see situations from a broader perspective.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Six – Wisdom

Advances in spiritual wisdom and understanding come with deep meditation. In meditation, it is important to let distracting, surface thoughts dissipate so that deeper realizations may surface at the time that they are needed.

Spiritual Awareness Facet Number Seven –
Raising World Consciousness

When you detach from worldly concerns and express a higher frequency of consciousness, the conflicts of the lower frequencies of consciousness become automatically healed. When you let go of any form of conflict within yourself, you are able to rise to a higher frequency of consciousness in a state of harmony and balance.

Higher frequencies of consciousness hold a higher power. Not just a slightly higher power. The power ratio of spiritual consciousness to conflict-oriented consciousness is many thousands to one. If you allow balance to enter your life through a spiritual state of consciousness, it will manifest immediately and very powerfully in your daily life. You will also be helping to raise the global consciousness in a very powerful and constructive manner.

*Owen Waters is the author of Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom.

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Space and Time Travel

by Owen K Waters

Your physical body exists at a specific location in space and time. In order to relocate physically, you have to travel to the new location. Your mind, however, is free to roam to different locations and even to other points in time. In recent decades, Remote Viewing – the mental viewing of remote locations – has been developed into a highly disciplined method of obtaining information from other locations in time and space.

Many people have experienced their own versions of this skill in the form of precognition or deja vu, where scenes that you suddenly recognize in your life are scenes that you had previously viewed while in another state of consciousness.

MysticOwlDeja vu occurs because you, as a soul, pre-planned the major themes of your life before your were born. You chose the time, the place and your parents in order to set a life plan in motion which would explore the desired themes.

Such pre-planning gave rise to the occurrence of related, meaningful events in your life which may have given you the impression that pre-destiny does exist.

To a degree, destiny does exist. The major themes of your life are pre-planned, by you, ahead of time. As you pass through life, certain names, places, people and activities resonate with a certain special-ness in your consciousness. It’s almost as if you knew these events once before, but you can’t quite remember when or where. That is so-called destiny, unfolding into your life along the lines of pre-planned, pre-viewed events.

In the phenomenon called deja vu, this previewing occurred either during your pre-life planning or in a recent, out-of-body, dream-state where, in order to help yourself remain on-purpose, you reviewed the important, upcoming events in your life.

Your soul, or inner self, has the capability, not only to see, but to BE in different locations in space and time. Physical life is a projection of consciousness, which appears to be solid, which appears to be fixed in location, and which appears to run along a linear timeline.

Solidity, space and time are all projections of consciousness in the theater of life. They are nowhere near as fixed as we have been led to believe.

When a particularly vivid example of deja vu occurs, it is not just the recall of a recent dream, it is more likely to be a real-time connection with your inner self – your complete consciousness – when you were planning this lifetime of experience.

Your inner self can look into how a plan of action would work out by connecting with the actual event at the time and space location where the event will occur. It can be a little disorienting to be living your regular life and suddenly have a brief connection with your inner self as it was working through the planning stage of your life many years ago before you were born.

In fact, you can come out of such a contact with your complete, inner self consciousness wondering – just for a split-second – where you are, and what the date is today! Such an experience is an excellent example of the wide-ranging consciousness of your inner self. It has the ability to relocate to and directly experience other locations in space and time.

As you progress in the development of your consciousness you will acquire more and more of the attributes of the expanded consciousness of your complete, inner self. Your daily consciousness is a tight focus, a subset, of your complete consciousness. That daily, waking consciousness is now expanding to incorporate more of the capabilities which you already possess within your complete, inner self.

Now that The Shift to the New Reality is occurring, this type of inner development is accelerating rapidly. As time passes, you will become more and more capable of perceiving other locations in time and space.

*Owen Waters is the author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness.

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The Creation of Evolution

by Owen K Waters

Life is hard. Species can die.

In fact, the human race would have died long ago if it weren’t for the fact that our bodies are designed to adapt to a constantly changing environment.

Evolution could be called adaptation, because the ability to adapt is the one feature that keeps all life upon Earth alive and functioning.

In thfroginhotwatere laboratory, it has been noted that a frog can be heated in a beaker of water to a degree that would normally be fatal, but it remains alive because it has had the time to adapt to the increasing temperature. Had the frog been suddenly exposed to water of such high temperature, it would have been unable to survive.

Charles Darwin, the pioneer of evolution theory, was a trained minister of religion as well as a naturalist. He thought long and hard about releasing his findings about the natural evolution of the species because he was keenly aware of the materialistic element in society which would use this information against religion. He was right, of course.

Others used his work to claim that there was no need for divine selection when natural selection occurs automatically. They have since gone on to claim that all life could have risen from prehistoric sludge completely by accident. What they don’t even begin to explain, however, is the existence of consciousness in all of this.

Consciousness is necessary for natural selection and adaptation to occur. If you move from a hot climate to a cold climate, you will adapt to the new environment, but first you had to have the consciousness to decide upon the move and make the adjustment.

What is consciousness? It is certainly more than a few electrical signals bouncing around inside a brain. Computers can mimic some limited aspects of the brain such as human logic, but they are not self-aware. There isn’t a computer in the world that can think for itself. Computers just follow sets of preset rules, and they do so as quickly as possible.

Behind all forms of consciousness is awareness. A sense of being is fundamental to all life because all life is constructed from consciousness. Even a solid object like a rock is composed of original thought and original feeling set into motion. All of life is contained within the consciousness of the original Creator, including the prehistoric sludge from which the first biological cells were formed.

Materialistic science today is in a cul-de-sac. There is no way forward for branches of science which fail to include consciousness in their theories. Consciousness is the most fundamental aspect of life. You can’t have a universe without it.

Human beings were originally designed and then evolved within the framework of a conscious universe, one created and developed by the original Creator. It took billions of years for planets to form and biological life to emerge and evolve, but remember this: Time is a creation of the Creator.

The Creator does not have to wait billions of years to see a biological process emerge. Everything happens in the Now – just different parts of the tapestry of time, which the Creator sees as a whole.

The whole design, inception, development and evolution of the universe is happening right now, within that overview, as seen by the original Creator. A little tweak here and there along the timeline can produce a perfect rendition of any form of biological life.

Life is too interesting to create in one Big Bang and then just watch it unfold, as if on auto-pilot. Life is a work in progress, a true work of art, and the Creator has the ability to make adjustments at any point along the timelines.

Science today searches for answers, but what it really needs is a valid search path.

Life did not begin by accident. It began by design.

Those branches of science which include the presence of consciousness will find the answers that they seek when they include the existence of original consciousness and intelligent design in their search.

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Whole Brain Thinking

by Owen K Waters

Do we still have unimaginable potential just waiting to be unlocked?

When you examine the functioning of the human brain, the answer is a resounding, “Yes!”

The human brain includes right and left hemispheres. These operate in different contexts as they perform different functions. In most people, the left hemisphere is primarily detail-oriented, while the right hemisphere is visually oriented and recognizes patterns.

LeftBrainRightBrainThe right hemisphere recognizes the picture, the overview or the context, while the left brain translates that image into words. When you look at a person who seems to be someone you knew a long time ago, you recognize the pattern of that person’s face long before their name catches up. You move in for a closer look, while trying not to stare, and your left brain is thinking, “Oh, that’s um, oh… I’ll never forget, um, what’s-his-name.”

The detail-oriented, left-brain hemisphere provides these functions:

  • Logic.
  • Sequential perception.
  • Rational analysis.
  • Precision.
  • The sense of time passing at a fixed speed.
  • The translation of visual images from the right side of the brain into words.

The pattern-recognizing, right-brain hemisphere provides these functions:

  • Spatial awareness – the ability to imagine, and operate within, three-dimensional space.
  • Whole picture overview – the recognition of patterns of light, sound or thought.
  • Dealing with thoughts in their natural, symbolic form.
  • Artistic ability – visual imagery.
  • Musical ability.
  • Memory.
  • The experience of emotions.
  • The dream state.
  • The reception of intuitive impressions.

In education, the left side of the brain is promoted much more than the right. Much attention is paid to arithmetic and word skills, while art and music receive little, and intuitive development doesn’t get any.

When you drive at a constant speed, your right brain, with its spatial awareness, monitors the road ahead for pattern changes. If you engage in a conversation while driving, using left-brain word skills, and something in the traffic pattern requires your attention, you have to switch your primary focus over to your right brain in order to deal with it. This explains why conversation stops as you attend to making a turn. The turn doesn’t require that much attention, but it does require a whole switch of brain sides, so the conversation stops for that short time.

Music naturally resonates with the right side of the mind. Did you ever sing along with a Golden Oldies song, one that you hadn’t heard for years? Weren’t you amazed at how many of the lyrics you remembered? RecordPlayerHow could you possibly roll out, from memory, line after line of lyrics that you hadn’t heard in years? The answer lies in the right brain, where music is experienced and, also, memories are stored. You never had to use your left brain to laboriously remember the lyrics. When you heard the songs, they played into your right brain and were automatically stored in your right-brain memory, waiting to be recalled, sometimes decades later.

Right-brain development can include artistic and musical ability, which can be used to make your immediate surroundings look and sound beautiful.

To see how art skills turn on the right side of the brain, try drawing a picture of your left hand, only without looking at the paper you’re drawing on. As your right hand draws the outline of your left hand on paper, there will be a point at which your thinking flips over to the right brain. You’ll probably start the drawing in a linear style that prefers simple, straight lines, then suddenly switch to a more complex style that sees all the slight curves and details, appreciates their beauty, and starts to include them.

Quality of life can be enhanced enormously with more right-brain attention. Imagine, the luxury of living in a world where communities are designed to calm your senses and inspire you with the sights, sounds and smells of a beautiful environment.

Your spiritual connection is developed through the right side of the brain. Meditation provides inner peace and the development of intuition, which, in turn, provides necessary insights into your life’s path.

As right-brain activity is enhanced, your normal functioning becomes more whole-brain, and both hemispheres begin to be used in balance. The two hemispheres of the brain are connected by a large band of nervous tissue called the corpus callosum. This connecting band of tissue is larger in women than in men, raising the question,

“What are women known for having more of than men?”

Now, there could be many light-hearted answers to this question – abilities like perseverance while shopping, holding long, meaningful conversations, and – most of all – being able to ask for directions when lost!

However, the biggest difference is women’s intuition. It’s not that men don’t have intuition, it’s just that women tend to have more of it.

In order to develop our latent abilities, and our spiritual potential, we need to feel our way into a deeper experience of that feeling-oriented, right side of the brain, just as we have thought our way into developing the word-oriented left side of the brain.

We need to become more accustomed to using the language of the right side of the brain. The right brain uses symbols and pictures, not words. Symbols can be visual, and they can be complete information packets – thought balls, which are whole pictures containing thoughts and feelings.

To operate in the right brain means to grasp concepts without words, feeling them, knowing them, letting the left-brain logic wait until our sense knowingness has had the chance to become more than it was before.

If you are new to the art of paying attention to your intuition, then you will need a little practice before proficiency is achieved. Your initial attempts may seem like failures, but that’s only to be expected at the outset.

Practice by being receptive to the “still, small voice within” of your intuition. The more you pay attention to your intuitive insights, the more you grow to realize how profoundly correct they are.

Practice makes perfect, and a you’ll achieve good results a lot sooner than you might expect. Just keep track of all your insights and, with a little dedicated practice, you’ll be amazed at their accuracy.

*Owen Waters is the author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness.

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New Light on the Chakras

by Owen K Waters

We live in an invisible sea of consciousness or mind substance, an atmosphere of thoughts and their associated feelings which circles the planet. Each one of us receives mental energy from this global mind atmosphere or mind belt. We process it through our own consciousness and then transmit it back into the mind belt.

In this way, our contribution to world consciousness is automatic. As people think and feel, so they affect the mind belt in their own way.

Because the human race has chosen to be unaware of its telepathic ability, people react to the impressions that arise within them without being consciously aware of the source of the source of these thoughts and feelings.

We each have a choice as to what frequency of consciousness we will entertain. By raising one’s consciousness, you improve the quality of the mind belt and also receive higher-frequency impressions from it.

The seven major chakras are traditionally viewed from the front of the body. They appear as doorways of consciousness, located just in front of the physical body. Each chakra is a spinning vortex of etheric energy which channels its own specific frequency band of consciousness to or from the local environment.

From the base of the spine upwards, these are the traditional names of seven major chakras:

chakras 1. Root chakra (base of the spine)
2. Sacral chakra
3. Solar plexus chakra
4. Heart chakra
5. Throat chakra
6. Brow chakra (forehead)
7. Crown chakra (above the head)

The root, sacral and then the solar plexus chakras are activated as children grow into adulthood. Having reached adulthood, many people go on to activate their heart chakras and some even venture into the realm of the throat chakra during deep meditation.

The functions of the chakras are as follows:

1. Instinctual. The root chakra prepares vitality, or life energy, for the chakras above it. It provides the base frequency of human existence including the instinct for survival.

2. Emotional. The sacral chakra powers the basic emotions and passions of human life.

3. Intellectual. The solar plexus chakra is used in the development of basic intellect or mental ability. Examples of such thought include the performing of arithmetic and the operating of machinery.

4. Holistic. The heart chakra is developed as emotional issues are resolved and integrated. In heart-centered consciousness, mind, body, and spirit are seen as facets of a human being which can all achieve balance and wholeness. The higher level of heart-centered consciousness opens the person to spiritual awareness. Thus, the heart is the gateway to spiritual consciousness.

5. Creative. The throat chakra’s function is creativity. It is a higher mental faculty, capable of inspiring the imagination to new possibilities. The development of the throat chakra results in gaining the power of conscious creation, the ability to succeed in consciously transforming circumstances to preferred, new realities. This is also the home level of soul consciousness. In the everyday, physical world where attention is often focused at the level of solar plexus thinking, the soul attempts to add helpful ideas to the physical mind through the faculty of intuition.

6. Global. The brow chakra is the home frequency of awareness that encompasses all locations on the planet. Existing above the soul realms, it is home to the angelic realms. While archangels are thought of as human-like figures, a more apt description is that of the global spirit – an awareness that encircles the globe, constantly sensing individual needs for their support. They bring healing, hope and support to those who are open to their presence.

7. Cosmic. The crown chakra is your connection to the universe on a cosmic scale. Its complete activation by the spiritual adept results in the ultimate state of human achievement and enlightenment, that of cosmic consciousness.

You can call the chakras by their physical position, like solar plexus, or by their function, like intellectual. The choice is yours. Their names, by function, are:

1. Instinctual chakra (root)
2. Emotional chakra (sacral)
3. Intellectual chakra (solar plexus)
4. Holistic chakra (heart)
5. Creative chakra (throat)
6. Global chakra (brow)
7. Cosmic chakra (crown)

*Owen Waters is the author of Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom.

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Ten Principles for the New Awareness

by Owen K Waters

The New Reality brings with it a new and expanded vista of awareness. In order to operate successfully in the new environment, you need to apply the new principles which come with that expanded vision, with that greater vista of reality.

This empowers you to awaken to your expanded potential and to manifest it.

Metaphysics is a philosophy of being, a study of the underlying principles of existence. The holistic approach to metaphysics provides a philosophy based upon an integrated foundation of mind, body and spirit. This spirit-inclusive approach is essential in order to understand the wider vista of consciousness which the New Reality presents.

Without the spiritual component of metaphysical philosophy, the mysteries of life remain forever mysteries. Life did not evolve accidentally from a pool of prehistoric sludge; it was brought into being by the precise intention of the Creator. The key to understanding the grand design of life is, therefore, to seek to understand more about the workings of its designer.

If, for example, you had never seen a jet aircraft and, suddenly, one flew overhead, you might wonder if it was propelled by that loud noise that it makes. The real answer, however, can be better found in the designers’ office at the aircraft factory, and so it is with life. If you think about how the designer of the universe could have achieved something, then you will find answers much more quickly than if you wonder how such an ‘accident of evolution’ could have happened.

Why did the Creator create life as we know it? How did it go about that task? What are the underlying principles that we can learn from this? The greater vista of the New Reality enables us to clearly comprehend principles which, before, were mysteries.

Here are ten such principles which will help you appreciate the expanded vista of consciousness offered by the New Reality.

1. All is one.
Everything in Creation is an expression of Infinite Being. Infinite Being is the all-encompassing consciousness from which the universe was created. Everything in the universe is made of consciousness. We are all aspects of Infinite Being.

2. Transformation.
The world is experiencing a spiritual transformation of human consciousness. It may take many decades to complete, and, when it does, it will bring an end to global strife and suffering. This new era of civilization will be achieved by a widespread awareness of the underlying unity of all people. The world is changed when you bring about spiritual change within yourself. This occurs automatically as you constantly share who you are, and all that you have become, within the shared atmosphere of the global mind belt.

3. Purpose in life.
Just as each snowflake is unique, so is each person. Your primary purpose in life is to experience life from one individual, unique point of view. You are an expression of Infinite Being as it experiences itself from all possible viewpoints.

4. Reflectance.
Life reflects who you are – your beliefs, your thoughts and your feelings. This is the basic principle behind the teaching of karma and the fact that you reap what you sow by creating a pattern of thought that attracts like experience to itself. Reflectance is often delayed while your circumstances adjust to allow appropriate reflections to manifest.

5. Self-responsibility.
You create your own reality and take personal responsibility for it. Your life is a reflection of who you are and the experiences that you, as a soul, planned for this life.

6. Life after ‘death.’
From the point of view of your true, inner personality, passing away from the physical realm is like stepping out of a suit that you have worn for a while. The suit is not the real you. In your spirit body, you move into the spirit realm, which is a place of joy and healing. After meeting friends and relatives who have passed on before, you start work on resolving any issues which caused inner conflict in your physical life. You remember more about who you really are and experience a joyful reunion with the rest of your immediate and extended soul family.

7. Reincarnation.
Reincarnation exists to provide a variety of experience, so that life skills may be gained, and so that, while in a physical body, you can rediscover your spiritual source within.

8. Truth is everywhere.
The ultimate truth is to be found within, yet the study of a variety of sources of information helps you to reawaken and remember your inner truth.

9. Unconditional love.
Unconditional love and the acceptance of all life puts your awareness into a higher place, allowing understanding and compassion to develop. This love and acceptance of others is a recognition of the spiritual light within those people and is not dependent upon their outward behavior. Unconditional love also includes a general respect for the beliefs of others, regardless of how much they may, or may not, align with your own beliefs.

10. Inner connection and insight.
Inner connection with your spiritual source promotes spiritual transformation and the achievement of your true potential. Developing intuition, both in men and women, provides an essential insight into life’s experiences.

*Owen Waters is the author of Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom.

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A Better Life

by Owen K Waters

In their 1996 book, Spiral Dynamics, social scientists Don Beck and Christopher Cowan identified eight stages of cultural evolution in the human race, ranging from caveman to global thinker.

Each stage upon this evolutionary stairway brings a better life than the one before and, eventually, its own reason for people to want to migrate to the next stage.

The authors called these stages “memes” and labeled each one with a meaningful color.

1. Beige
Beige is the color of the savanna grasslands in the cradle of civilization. Beige is the foundation meme. It relates to individual, basic survival, with a focus directed towards just staying alive. With this meme comes constant uncertainty. Eventually the search for food becomes more difficult, prompting people to step into the next meme, or mode of reality.

2. Purple
Purple, the decorative color of royalty. Clans form under the purple meme for mutual protection. Tribal and family bonding is all-powerful, along with superstition-filled attempts to understand the powers of nature which threaten to overpower the clan. Magical rituals are invented to protect the clan by appealing to the spirits of nature.

When the rituals eventually become stifling, the more powerful individuals in the clan branch out into the next meme.

3. Red
Red, the color of hot emotions, even rage. Beginning some 10,000 years ago, this meme sees powerful individuals compete in an intense survival of the fittest. They seek to master the environment, dominate other people and break away of individual constraints. They sense many gods, which are worshipped as models of power.

Eventually, chaos and anarchy reign supreme. Then the culture is ready for a higher authority to take charge and control the chaos. Dictators take power by the sword, and usually, a short time later, dying the same way. When an enlightened form of dictatorship finally takes control, the doorway to the next meme is opened.

4. Blue
Blue, as in “true blue” conservative. First seen some 5,000 years ago, this meme brings order out of chaos and establishes rules of morality, which are used in a righteous fashion to stop anarchy. By obeying authority and sacrificing the self to a greater cause for a deferred reward, people find a purpose in life within the constraints of this meme. A judicial system is set up which protects people from red-motivated predators. Allegiance is declared to the one supreme ruler and to the one supreme God.

When this absolute order eventually becomes oppressive and repressive, individuals grow weary of waiting for the dispensation of rewards from the hierarchy. Finally, they break free to seek their own rewards under the next meme.

5. Orange
Orange, the color of radiant energy and productivity. This meme has been explored for several centuries, especially since the Renaissance. Under this meme, people strive to succeed and also to keep in style with the current fashions and technical toys. People are willing to fight to beat the competition and achieve independence.

Eventually, when material progress fails to bring happiness, orange meme people become lonely. They seek after community and a sense of caring within the next meme.

6. Green
Green, like green politics and ecology. Many advances in democracy over the last 150 years had their philosophical foundations in green thinking. Along with the green meme comes community, caring and a sharing of society’s resources among all. This liberates humans from greed and dogma, and, ideally, refreshes a sense of spirituality. Cooperative ventures rise across the land and in the workplace. Unconditional love can flourish as people learn to accept others as they are, and to see the value of service to others.

Consensus-seeking is a very time-intensive occupation. Also, the productive members of this culture struggle to earn the money to pay for the system. As an ever-growing mass of people qualifies for entitlements which had been promised during more idealistic times, the system can come to be stressed under the pressure of its own weight.

From here, people move to the next meme seeking a form of individual empowerment which incorporates all that has been learned from the first six memes.

The Second Tier of Six Memes

Memes come in sets of six, so meme number seven is actually the first one in the second tier of six memes. With this second tier of memes comes freedom from all of the fears of the prior memes, and, finally, the freedom for human cognition to focus upon its possibilities in the world.

As the first meme in the second tier, meme number seven resonates to the first (beige, survival) meme in tier number one. However, it expresses itself at a higher level, one which incorporates all of the lessons of memes one through six. In meme number seven, people act from an inner-directed core.

7. Yellow
Yellow is an enlightened color, reminiscent of natural, clean solar power. Active since the late 1940s, the yellow meme causes people to start to think in terms of whole systems, seeing big-picture views of reality. Under this meme they discover a self-accountable style of personal freedom, one without excessive self-interest or harm to others. Yellow is a powerful meme in promoting the exploration of the greater possibilities of life. It creates networks of information and people which easily adapt to changing needs.

Yellow thinkers are concerned with the endangered world environment and want to restore viability and ecological order. Their purpose of living includes being independent within reason, knowledgeable as much as possible, and caring for others within practical limits. They are accountable to themselves as responsible individuals, yet embrace their community of associates. Rather than striving to have things or to achieve things, they value their personal development along a pathway that is natural to them,

Yellow meme people can interact with people of the first six memes and speak their psychological language. Yellow respects others’ world views and unique habits, customs and cultures, even though they don’t necessarily agree with them.

Yellow brings a high sense of self-esteem based upon information as much as emotion. This enlightened self-acceptance acknowledges and accepts their own shortcomings and faults as mere stages along the way to acquiring more skills.

8. Turquoise
Turquoise, the color of oceans globe-spanning oceans viewed from space. A child of the 1960s, this is a meme with a global view, even larger than the whole-system view of yellow. Turquoise opens up spiritual awareness, a willingness to be reflective, and an awareness of intuition and a trust in the insights which intuition provides.

Turquoise meme people learn through simply being as well as through doing. Their work must be meaningful to their holistic, unified body-mind-spirit view of life. Spiritual bonds form under this meme, transcending old barriers and bringing diverse people together for common purposes.

Turquoise has a global village outlook, and seeks out projects and solutions that will work well for the whole planet. Its power to integrate can resolve paradoxes, such as being fair to all school students while helping the brightest to shine and the most challenged to grow. It has a faith that everything somehow connects to everything else.

Turquoise discovers a new version of spirituality – one stands in awe of the vast, cosmic order.

And now for the new mystery meme…

The authors of Spiral Dynamics have identified, as of the 1990s, meme number nine. They call this the Coral meme, but they did not yet have an analysis of for what it might stand.

However, if second tier memes are reminiscent of their first tier cousins, then meme number nine will be like meme number three, only in a higher degree of manifestation. Meme number three was red, the meme of adventure, exploration and mastery of the environment. As the second tier memes have a spiritual component, this means that coral will be an adventure into the abilities of the spiritually-directed mind.

The new, coral meme will explore the spiritual use of the power of the mind to transform reality in the world. Its major demand will be for spiritual and creative freedom on a global basis.

This far-ranging and inspired meme has the power, quite simply, to entirely transform the world as we know it.

In my 2005 book, The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness, I correlated the twelve memes with the twelve faces of the human chakra system. This allows the nature of the mystery meme – and the other three, as-yet undiscovered memes – to be predicted based upon the functions of the higher chakras.

The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness was updated in 2016 and is available for immediate download.

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The Great Awakening

by Dreama Vance

There is a great awakening happening as we live our daily lives today. Unseen by human eye and unacknowledged by news media, there is a tidal wave of change gathering in our midst. Even many spiritual seekers are confused by what is actually taking place. Often this is because they have been misdirected in their search, or they have not matured enough in their growth to have the deeper understanding necessary to actually be aware of the energy, or to perceive the higher frequencies of consciousness. This is neither a good nor a bad thing; it simply is where humanity is in their understanding.

However, this wave of energy, this tidal wave, is cresting. In this wave that is sweeping over the Earth, we are being Gathered.

I don’t know if you can feel it, or if you are aware of it, but we are being gathered up in this waveform. It has everything to do with consciousness. It has nothing to do with religions, sects, or creeds. It is consciousness that is responding to this calling.

We are responding, whether we are aware of it, or not. It is a culling out that is happening, but it is happening IN CONSCIOUSNESS. Do you understand? We are being raised up, literally.

The veils are being torn asunder. If you have been doing your inner work, your own growth will have magnified a hundred-fold in the last year. You will feel like you have been in a chrysalis and are now emerging.

I hope you have been taking notes of what you are receiving in your meditations. I hope you are writing down your changes in your understanding as your consciousness unfolds. I hope you are pondering your studies, mulling over your spiritual teachings, contemplating and plumbing the depths of spiritual wisdoms so that revelations may come to you in your meditations.

If you are doing this, then you are experiencing the Great Awakening as it is happening. If you are doing this, then you can see with your inner vision what is taking place.

If not, then you will experience the change, but you will not be aware of it as such. You will simply ride the wave without awareness. It is oh, so much better to be awake to it! It is our gift to be here now!

The Awakening is so amazing. It is so beautiful. Love will pour through you.

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Nocturnal Adventures – Part II

by Owen K Waters 

In Part I, I pointed out that a curtain of forgetfulness is drawn across our consciousness each time we awake from sleep.

astralsceneBecause our nighttime adventures typically occur in the fourth-density spirit world, which is a more subtle realm than our third-density physical world, our nocturnal activities are more vivid, more alive, and more real than anything that occurs during the day. 

Because the spirit world is where the population of the afterlife lives, you often meet friends and relatives there who have passed on from the physical world. Nighttime can be a wonderful time of reunion with such dear friends, so it’s well worth making the effort to increase your dream recall ability. 

Your spirit body naturally resonates to the spirit world. Once freed from the physical shell each night as your physical body falls asleep, it will normally move upwards from the physical third-density world towards the light of the fourth-density spirit world. Upon arriving, you will notice extra light everywhere: It fills the air and it radiates outwards from solid objects. This is because material in the spirit realms is made of etheric energy, which is a higher energy than the electric energy that forms physical matter. 

The air in the spirit world is filled with etheric energy, ready to be drawn into some useful form by the intent of any individual. People in the afterlife can build a new home just as fast as they can visualize every part of it. It will stay in existence as long as they pay it occasional attention. If they want a little variety in the appearance of their new home, they can even redecorate it every day! If they leave and move elsewhere, the house will slowly dissolve, over a period of months, back into the atmosphere as etheric energy. 

The fact that people who live in the spirit realms create homes does not exclude you, the temporary nighttime visitor, from doing the same. In fact, having a private retreat somewhere in the spirit world is a wonderful help in recovering from the stresses of daytime physical living. There is plenty of space in the spirit world for you to find a quiet, private location for your retreat. 

One of the curious properties of the spirit world is that you can actually create your own space, fill it with objects of your own design, and it will be something that no one else would perceive unless they tuned into your thought pattern as the creator of that scene. It can even be large enough to include your own idea of an ocean scene with a perfect, setting sun. It won’t be the actual Sun; it’ll just be your own, private, artistic creation built for your own enjoyment, and it will last for as long as you pay occasional attention to it. 

astralbodyThe spirit or astral body is quasi-physical. This means that, while it is subtle and etheric compared to the physical body, it is still solid in its own environment. In the spirit realms of 4D, matter is composed of etheric energy and is solid to the touch. If you bump into another spirit or astral body on your travels, they will seem solid, just like bumping into another person in the physical world. 

The fact that spirit matter is less dense than physical matter gives you a lot more freedom of movement. You can meet a friend halfway around the world in one or two seconds of travel time just by projecting your spirit body to that new location. You tune into that person and, wherever they are, mentally project, and you will appear at that location. 

A simple intention is all it takes to decide what each night’s adventure can be. Then, upon awakening, you’re halfway to remembering what happened. 

So far, we have examined the possibilities for nocturnal adventures where you can: 

1. Go and see friends and relatives who have either passed on or, just like you, are temporarily out-of-body for the night. 

2. Notice how the 4D air is full of energy and materialize solid objects either just for fun or for artistic development. 

3. Find a piece of land away from it all and build a small retreat there. 

4. Decide who or where to go and see in a distant location, gather your intent, and project there instantly. 

Remember this…

The challenge is to remember such adventures. Intent is the key. Tell yourself, 

“Tonight, I intend to (have this adventure) and I will remember it upon awakening.” 

Keep a notebook and pen right beside your bed and some source of light (even a flashlight will do.) Get in the habit of recalling dreams as soon as you awake and writing down everything you can. You’ve just returned from another world to a brain that’s had the night off, so those memories will begin to fade fast as soon as you wake up. Seconds count in writing down those dream details. 

Realize that the immediate dreamstate is shallow compared to full immersion in the spirit world. The easiest dreams to recall are the ones that occur when you are almost ready to wake up. They are typically dramatic scenes filled with symbols that help you integrate the stresses that you have felt in previous days. The key to understanding them is to ask what each symbol means to you emotionally. Then, you’ll understand the stress that was being worked out in the dream, or the message that your inner being was bringing to the surface for your attention. 

As you become more practiced in dream recall, you will soon reach beyond the initial dreamstate and remember the deeper, real-life experiences that you have each night in the spirit world. 

The good news is that today, due to ongoing effect of The Shift, the veil is thinning between the 3D physical world and the 4D spirit world. As each year passes, people are remembering more and more upon awakening. You may sometimes find yourself between wakefulness and sleep and you are really not sure which state you are in. Today, this is quite common due to the thinning of the veil. As The Shift continues, physical matter will move fully into 4D, there will be no veil and full recall will be easy.

Owen Waters is author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness. 

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Nocturnal Adventures

by Owen K Waters

Other than a few remembered dreams, our nighttime slumbers seem to be one big twilight zone of consciousness where nothing much happens at all.

Nothing could be further from the truth!

A curtain of forgetfulness is drawn across our consciousness each time we awake from sleep. What really happens at night is actually more vivid, more alive, and more real than anything that happens during the day in the physical world.

At night, we travel in a more subtle world than the physical one. Human consciousness has many ‘bodies,’ or shells of consciousness, each of which functions at a different level of awareness. The more dense bodies used by each human being are the physical body, its etheric energy counterpart, and the astral or spirit body. The less dense ones begin with the soul ‘body,’ which is a nonphysical field of consciousness that exists beyond the limitations of time and space, and then go on up the frequency scale of consciousness from there.

astralprojectionTo understand where these bodies fit into the grand scale of universal consciousness, realize that there are 12 density layers of consciousness. Some people refer to the different density layers as ‘dimensions.’ As physical beings today, we exist in third density and are in the process of transitioning into fourth density. Fourth density has been traditionally the home of the spirit realms. It still will be after The Shift to higher consciousness has been completed, but the spirit realms will move up to higher sub-layers within fourth density as the physical realm moves in.

The spirit realms are referred to in the plural as there are many sub-layers of consciousness within fourth density. The spirit or astral realms are also known as the afterlife. They vary from the lower astral realms, through the highly-populated middle realms, and on into the higher astral realms or heavens.

When you eventually pass on from the physical realm, as we all do eventually, you will find yourself located in the exact spirit realm that corresponds to your normal frequency of consciousness. If you have strong issues to resolve, they will hold you back a little until you have worked through them by a process of integration. The whole experience of the afterlife is dedicated to the integration of whatever issues of separation were generated during a person’s physical lifetime. If they became polarized against a particular person, i.e. grew to hate them, then they will learn to see the situation from a higher perspective and heal that issue of separation through the forgiveness of themselves and the other person. Then, as the healing of any issues occurs, they rise higher in consciousness within the spirit world.

The mentality of 3D (the third density physical world) is SEPARATIVE in nature and 4D (the fourth density spirit world) is INTEGRATIVE, or healing, in nature. 3D resonates to the human solar plexus energy center, with its mental development and its competitive nature, while 4D resonates to the heart.

The higher aspect of heart consciousness is the first stage of spiritual awareness. It is here that, as a principle, the good of the many is recognized as being more important than immediate benefits to the self. This leads to a sense of service where the person wants to help ensure that the best is available to everyone.

This is the foundation of a world which is supportive rather than competitive. In such a world there really is more for everyone; much more, because the energy that was spent in competition against others is now funneled into productive work.

At night, when you leave the awareness of your physical body behind, it is not because your brain has shut down for the night. It is because your attention has shifted into your spirit body. Your spirit body rises out of your physical body and prepares to begin your nocturnal adventures.

Next, in Part II, we’ll take a tour of the spirit world and see what options you have for the best of nocturnal adventures. And, we’ll go on to discuss how to develop better dreamtime recall so that you can remember those adventures.

Owen Waters is the author of Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom.

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