Category Archives: Metaphysics

The Jewel of Joy

by Dreama Vance

When the information was given to me about how to discover our individual spiritual missions, I felt as if I had been given the Philosopher’s Stone.

How many have worried in angst over their purpose? How many courses can you take to discover your purpose in life? How about discovering your Soul purpose? That discovery sounds even more important and critical.

It is pretty easy to figure out the big purpose in life. After all, saints, sages, and spiritual masters have been teaching the information for eons. We are here for our own spiritual evolution and to assist others on the planet. We are here to awaken from the deep sleep of forgetfulness. This awakening is really a remembering of who we are. We are to develop our skills at remaining conscious and focused on the Source within us. We are to learn and move into higher states of consciousness. This is part of all humanity’s evolution.

It brings glad tidings to the heart when we finally “get it” and begin to consciously work on our own spiritual growth. In doing our own work, we add to the light for the planet.

When I was given the information about individual spiritual missions and how to discover them, I was very excited because I knew it would help so many people move into action. In case you haven’t read my article on Joy (Joy to the World), you will find your own spiritual mission through your joy.

You will discover your individual mission through what brings you incredible joy and what has probably been a thread of great interest from early years in your life. You see, you are important on this planet. You are here to evolve not only in the grand scheme of things, but to give and share your special reason for being here now.

The fact that your individual mission (and there may be more than one) comes from what brings you joy and lights you up inside of your being is so simple and easy to understand once you figure it out! Here is what happens and how it works.

Joy is a state of being that blossoms like a flower within the structural foundation of existence. As we are this energy of existence, this joy is just waiting to be expressed, to bloom within the nature of our being. When you discover your own unique mission through what brings you joy, you can then begin to give this to the world.

This is God in Action!

Do you see how it works? By expressing this innate quality of Joy, we allow the fundamental structures of existence to express itself.

We open flow!

By doing this action, we open the floodgates for the other qualities of existence to come more fully into conscious expression. It is a beautifully designed plan. Joy expresses through you and moves the energy of Source out into Action.

Of course you are here for a reason. You are here with your own very special mission: to bring that hidden jewel of joy out to give to the world, to share with the world. When you do this, the world receives joy. Your light shines and the world receives light. Your love moves into action. Beauty is made manifest and the world receives. The world receives and awakens. Do you see now how it works?

The time is NOW. Don’t delay. Discover your unique jewel of joy today. Figure out a way to share with others and begin. Begin Now. You surely must feel the push/pull of higher frequencies and the need to move into ACTION NOW.

You were born for this time NOW.

Share your gift. Share your gift.

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Joy to the World

by Dreama Vance

How much joy can you contain? Do you think you can hold so much joy that you reach the point of bursting open? Would you then be like a supernova? NASA may not agree, but I like to think of stars bursting into a supernova because of added light, but what if they burst from joy and all of that light is emitted? Can you see yourself this way?

From where does this kind of joy materialize? How can you find it? Is it something given only to a few? Are there answers to these questions? Are we designed to spend our lives searching for this kind of joy? Do most people never find it? Is it even something we want, or is it best just to settle for the status quo?

What if everyone had this ecstasy and lived their life in this state of joy? What would the world be like? What would you be like and where would you go from there? What comes after joy?

Did you know you are birthed into creation each moment? I know, it is almost impossible for us to wrap our brains around that concept, but it is true. We come from the eternal Now… only Now. Since this is true (no matter how difficult it is to understand) it makes you wonder why we are lugging around all the baggage of the past that we carry with us. Why do we carry all the fears and worries of the future with us? Just thinking about setting all of those bags down makes you feel lighter already, doesn’t it?

Do you think joy comes from living in the present moment? Well, maybe. Although I think it is more likely the first attribute you will find by residing in the present moment is peace.

I have another answer for joy. Joy comes from the Spirit. It is wrapped in love and gifted to you when you awaken, not to who you are (Surprise!) but to why you are here.

Now most of us think we are here to grow spiritually, to remember our connection to Source, to raise our vibration, to become Enlightened, and so on and so on. All of that is true. But I have to tell you, I have seen a lot of unhappy people doing this. (Shh, don’t tell.)

Okay, before I say this, I just want you to know I can hear you groaning when you read this next part, so please persevere. It gets better, I promise.

We each have a spiritual mission to perform (maybe more than one during our lifetime). Our spiritual mission is our gift to the world.

It is true some people come into the world “gifted”. There are artists, musicians, mathematicians, child prodigies. Their gift is visible at an early age.

Then there are the rest of us who grow up, get a job and wander through life wondering, “What is my purpose?” You actually are here to provide a service, not just to “become enlightened”.

The secret to discovering your spiritual mission, if you have not found it yet, is found in the paradox. When you discover your spiritual mission, you will discover the gift of joy. Paradoxically, what brings you joy, what your passion is, what you spend your free time doing, what you love to do, IS your spiritual mission. It has been a thread running through your life. Look and find it.

It is so simple and so easy. It isn’t complicated, so don’t make it so. It really is right under your nose. Perhaps you have always loved to build things and always have a project under construction at home. Maybe you love to make up stories for little kids. Maybe you love to be in the kitchen making delicious food. These are gifts. If they light you up and bring you joy, they are your spiritual mission! They don’t have to be earth-shattering. They do have to bring you joy. When you discover what it is, you will be filled with joy. You will laugh and say, “But I have always loved doing that!”

Do you know, there are actually people who love to clean? What a gift! Some people actually like to organize things and are good at it. Whatever your spiritual mission is, you will already be good at it, because it is a part of you. It depicts your interests and consequently the skills you have developed over time.

When you find your spiritual mission, find a way to bundle it so that you can give it to the world. Start by giving to neighbors and local communities. Watch it grow. Begin to teach others how to do what you do. There are myriad ways to share your gift.

Once you discover your spiritual mission, make it a focus in your life. Begin to share and be of service to the world. When you do this, you allow Spirit to move out through you into the world and your joy will be boundless.

At the start of the article I asked, “What comes after joy?” All of the gifts of Spirit will begin revealing themselves when you begin giving in joy and fulfilling your mission. It will be like you opened the floodgates for Spirit to pour forth into the world.

Give your gift to the world. The world is waiting for you to become a supernova!

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The Fifth Element

by Owen K Waters

The legendary Fifth Element holds the key to the answer to one of today’s top mysteries in the worlds of physics and cosmology. Scientists estimate that 84% of the matter in the universe is composed of invisible dark matter, but they have no idea what it is. With a short venture into the world of metaphysics, you are about to find out the answer!

In ancient Greece, all material things were said to be composed of a mixture of the four elements of earth, fire, water and air. There was also said to be a more subtle, fifth element. This was called the quintessence (literally, “fifth element”), implying its very delicate or refined state of existence.

Paracelsus (1493-1541)

For many centuries, philosophers considered that all matter consisted of combinations of the basic elements in the Greek tradition. In the early 1500s, Philip von Hohenheim boldly renamed himself Paracelsus, meaning “beyond the medical pioneer Celsus” and came out with a counter-proposal. He declared that, instead of the old elements, all things consist of the subtle essences of elements that he called salt, sulfur and mercury. However, this only served to confuse the situation further as both theories did little to identify the basic chemicals that combine to form the enormous variety of compounds that are found in nature.

Boyle (1627-1691)

Next, fast-forward to the Age of Enlightenment. In the late 1600s, the early scientist Robert Boyle published The Sceptical Chemist, rejecting both schools of thought in favor of the then-novel idea that materials are composed of a variety of basic chemicals which, unlike compounds, cannot be further reduced by chemical operations. This demystified chemistry, laid the basis for its development as a science, and made possible the development of the table of elements that we use in chemistry today.

As the science of chemistry developed and accumulated physical knowledge, however, it became focused entirely on physical materials and ignored the old idea of anything more subtle.

The fifth element has been given various names in traditional Eastern thought and practices – such as prana, chi, qi, and mana – but it can be better understood by calling it vital life energy or etheric energy. From a physics perspective, the most concise term is etheric energy, which implies a more subtle energy than electric energy.

When electric and magnetic energies combine in complementary motion, they produce physical light as well as the building blocks of physical matter. Your body is composed of electromagnetic energy. Etheric energy is actually more common in the universe than electric energy. Its manifestation, etheric matter, forms most of the matter in the universe. Cosmologists know that it exists, even though they can’t see it (hence the term, dark matter), because of its gravitational effects on physical matter in the cosmos.

“Dark” energy and “dark” matter are roughly five times more prolific than their physical counterparts, so their influence in the cosmos is quite marked. The gravitational effect is a result of the fact that both energies – physical electric energy and the more subtle etheric energy – share a common interaction with magnetic energy. The magnetic energy component is provided by the ever-present fabric of space, which I term the God Field.

By using the term the God field, we can reduce a common form of confusion that exists today. The God field was traditionally called the aether and, although that sounds a lot like etheric energy, the two are quite different.

The God field is the fabric of space. It is a subtle, fluid, magnetic energy which fills all space. It is intensified within and around matter, where its attractive nature produces the force of gravity.

Etheric energy, or vital life energy, is the primary energy of the universe. Electric energy is, by comparison, a secondary, more physical energy. Electric energy interacts with the magnetic fabric of space to form physical light and physical matter. Etheric energy interacts with the magnetic fabric of space to form etheric light and etheric matter.

Etheric energy is a subtle, primary life energy, while electric energy is a physical, secondary energy. Both energies interact with the magnetic fabric of space, producing etheric matter and physical matter.

The great advantage with knowing about etheric energy is that this vital life-giving energy holds the key to vibrant wellness. Vital life energy or etheric energy is present in all effective healing systems. In acupuncture, it is the “qi” energy that is enhanced or balanced in its flow along acupuncture meridians. It is the healing energy transmitted in distant healing. It is the same healing energy that is passed to the recipient in Reiki or Polarity Therapy.

Vital life energy is the essence within sacred healing oils. It is the energy that flows into a person as they practice Qigong. It is the life energy in organic foods, in water exposed to sunlight, and in the oxygen that we breathe.

Without vital life energy, we would not physically exist. With additional vital life energy, miraculous healings can occur.

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What Is The New Awareness?

by Owen K Waters

In the mid-1960s, the attention of young people took a sudden turn inwards. It was as if a light switch had turned on. They suddenly awoke and said,

“Oh, yes, I remember now. The answers are to be found within.”

The mid-1960s through the mid-1970s were times of inner searching. The outside world came to be seen as materially-obsessed and insincere. If there was meaning in life, it was to be found within.

The spiritual revolution in human consciousness had begun.

In the United States, the ‘Baby Boomer’ generation refers to people born between 1946 and 1962. Today, ‘boomers’ form one-third of the U.S. population, 14% of which are metaphysical believers and seekers. These leading-edge thinkers emphasize inner spirituality and self-expansiveness. Their sense of self is that of a real, inner self rather than an outwardly-focused, ego type of self.

The true, inner self is found in silence. The inner self is who you are. It is your soul. Your inner self is your personal link to the universe and to its source, the Absolute or Infinite Being. It is in this silence that you come to realize that everything in the universe is one, that separation is actually an illusion. In the light of this inner, soul connection, you also develop your sense of unconditional love for all of life and all of humanity.

Over the years, as the boomers grew into career-making, home-making and raising families of their own, their attention became focused upon the demands of the outside world. Their spiritual awakening appeared to have been put on hold. Instead, in reality, their spiritual awareness was building strength while it waited to find expression in the outer world.

By the 1990s, boomers were seeking to express that spirituality within their lives. In the period 1990-2003, for example, 25% of British adults in the 30-59 age group deliberately downshifted. This means that they made voluntary choices to better their health and family lives, even though such choices meant earning less money.

The 1990s saw the holistic lifestyle blossom and grow to include three times more people than before. Mind, body and spirit became the new mantra of holistic living. If something is good for your mind, body and spirit, then it is, by definition, good for the whole you.

The New Awareness today focuses upon gaining inner knowing through self-realization and self-development. It fosters spiritual self-reliance without the imposition of standards or duties by an external authority. With the New Awareness, your true, inner self is your authority. Your sense of responsibility becomes powered by love rather than fear. You do no harm to others because you love your fellow human beings, not because you fear judgment and punishment. Your spiritual awareness grows into spiritual adulthood. You no longer need to be told what to do, how to think, or what your place in life ‘should’ be.

Each person’s inner self is cultivated and treasured for its uniqueness. There is always potential for self-improvement, always potential for creating a better life. Along with inner development, comes a clearer sense of intuition or insight. Suddenly, with better insight, a person’s options in life become crystal clear. With insight, you easily identify the best course of action to successfully meet any challenge.

With insight, also comes synchronicity. Life begins to fold around your envisioned plan of action, supporting it by providing opportunities and resources just when they are needed the most.

‘Quality of life’ is the new standard replacing the old ‘standard of living.’ Well-being of the whole self is paramount. Helping other people, being of real service to the world, is a natural desire which unfolds as your sense of inner connection strengthens.

Your self-esteem is boosted and healed in the knowledge that every person has a unique gift to offer the world, the knowledge that you’re going to deliver that gift, and that you’re going to love doing it!

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The Physics of Tao

by Owen K Waters

Almost forty years ago, Fritjof Capra’s book The Tao of Physics set out to explore the parallels between the worldviews of modern physics and Eastern mysticism. The author’s conclusion was that the two were, not just consistent, but in perfect harmony with each other.

Physics has advanced in many ways in forty years and so has mysticism and its understanding of the universe. In particular, many insights into the mysteries of the universe have emerged from the spiritual revolution in the West.

From the mystic perspective, the universe was created by Original Consciousness, Tao, or Infinite Being, focusing through an active Creator aspect of itself. The mystic asks, “How did God create this?” while hoping for a glimpse into the cosmic manufacturer’s mind. One thing’s for sure with such a mystical approach: You find a lot more answers when you open up to the idea of higher energies than by insisting that nothing exists beyond physical matter.

To the materialist, thoughts are just electrical signals firing somewhere inside the brain. If that were true, then you’d be like an electronic computer with pre-programmed thoughts, no self-awareness, no free will, and no feelings! Your mind is not your brain and mind energy is not electrical. Mind energy is one of those higher energies that the Creator saw fit to create.

One of the mysteries facing physics is a type of experiment which reveals that related energy particles can communicate with each other much faster than the speed of light. How could this be possible, they ask, when the speed of light is supposed to limit all action in the universe? In the view of physics today, all energies can travel at the speed of light and no faster. That’s because of the assumption that all energies must be down-to-earth, material, electromagnetic energies. Well, how about those higher energies?

In the broader picture, we don’t just live in a conscious universe, the universe IS conscious! All things are composed of consciousness because the universe was created from the only available material – consciousness.

We know that physical matter is composed of energy, but from what is energy made?

Energy is compressed consciousness.

There is not just one level of energy in existence. The next higher energy above electric energy is etheric, or vital life, energy. Electric energy is a compressed form of the higher, etheric energy.

What’s above etheric energy? All levels of mind energy, from the lowest to the most inspired. Feeling and thought are the yin and yang of mind energy. Both varieties intertwine all the way up into the realms of spirit, of soul consciousness, and beyond into the cosmic realms.

So, how do those two energy particles communicate with each other faster than the speed of light? The answer is easy to appreciate once your worldview is expanded…

Mind energy travels at millions of times the speed of light.

The two particles communicate at the speed of thought, and the speed of light has no bearing upon the situation. Like everything in the universe, those particles contain awareness. In a universe comprised of consciousness, nothing can exist without consciousness. As particles of a fundamental nature, their awareness may be rudimentary, but their display of feeling is quite obvious to the observer. As related particles, they have developed a connection with each other and their willingness to communicate demonstrates this bond. Thought and feeling are the materials from which this conscious universe is made.

Mind energy exists on a scale that rises into the higher realms of awareness like a stairway to heaven. Higher consciousness is very real and it can be yours by turning your attention within, spending time daily in reflection or meditation, and opening up to the intuitive knowingness which resides within your own soul level of consciousness.

Expanded awareness isn’t just for mystics. It opens the doors of perception where you can understand far more about the nature of reality. It brings you closer to the eternal fountain of joy and wisdom which lies within the soul consciousness of each and every one of us.

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Doing by Not Doing

by Owen K Waters

Wouldn’t it be just great if life suddenly became a lot easier? What if, instead of working hard to complete a project, it all just flowed together in one easy-moving path towards perfect completion?

Such is the promise of the Eastern philosophy of Wu Wei (“Woo-Way”), which promotes the idea of “doing by not doing.” When nothing is done, it says, nothing is left undone.

When nothing is done… excuse me? When I first encountered this stark contradiction I became seriously worried about my brain cells short-circuiting and melting. The more I thought about it, the more convinced I became that I was starting to smell smoke coming out of my ears!

Later, at an older and riper age, I began to see the idea behind the apparent contradiction. The alternative translation of “action without effort” instead of “doing by not doing” helped to clarify the original idea. I came to realize that if, instead of trying to make something happen by the usual efforts of planning, willpower and determination, you go within and see the action accomplished, then something very different happens. The action doesn’t mysteriously become accomplished by non-effort, but you experience a state of flow which enables you to move through the task with ease, grace and incredible efficiency.

A leading light in positive psychology today is Hungarian-American professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. (In case you’re wondering, his last name is pronounced, “Cheek-sent-me-high-ee.”) His focus on happiness and creativity led to the concept of flow, which is a state of concentration or complete absorption in an activity. He points out that developing a state of flow leads to higher skill development and the ability to meet higher challenges within a chosen field.

riverflowThe message of Wu Wei is to develop exactly such a state of flow and to do it by developing deeper states of inner awareness.

The easiest way to invoke a state of flow, therefore, is to go within, attune with your inner being and the intended task, then come out into the world of action and carry out your intuitive guidance every step of the way until the task is completed.

In a state of flow, the action is guided from within and the doer virtually vanishes into the deed.

The key to creating the desired state of flow is that, because your inner being is fully attuned with the universe, you can then act in a manner which is perfectly aligned with all other circumstances related to your work. This is how synchronicity happens and coincidences become commonplace in your life. People, ideas and materials all come together at the exact right time and in the right place because flow is an orchestration of the many, not just the one.

You can be the main person conducting the work, but the universe responds to your inner connection and brings to you everything that you need with effortless coincidence.

The message of Wu Wei is that there is a time and a place for everything to come together for effortless achievement. By intending a goal and connecting with your inner being, you start the creation of that perfect time and place by attracting all the resources you need to achieve the goal. Then, by acting exactly when the energy feels right, you express the flow of ideas and energy which pour forth from your inner being.

Achievement becomes effortless, and the realm of being has become manifest in the world of action. You will have achieved success by alignment with the realm of not doing.

Owen K Waters is the author of Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom.

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The Shift to a Higher Physical Realm

by Owen K Waters

The Shift to a higher physical realm is likely to occur within the physical lifetimes of most of us.

Those who are in the afterlife at the time of The Shift will also be risen to a higher plane of existence. There are many realms and sub-realms within the fourth-density existence of the afterlife.

Today, the realms of fourth density (or the “fourth dimension” as many people call it) are home to spirits in the afterlife. Other than a few ascended masters, there are no physical inhabitants in fourth density (4D). The big difference that will occur with The Shift is that the physical realm here in third density will be risen up into a realm of fourth density. Spirits in the afterlife will be in a realm above us and therefore much closer to us than they are today.

One problem in understanding The Shift is the common practice of getting the “dimensional” levels numbered incorrectly. People generally agree that we are in 3D, but seem to have an aversion to 4D and say instead that we will ascend from 3D straight into 5D. I’m not sure why they think that 4D should be avoided. Perhaps they equate it with the basic dream state and its occasional fear-driven nightmares.

Physical human existence is possible in both 3D and 4D, but not in 5D as that is a nonphysical mental realm. Therefore, we cannot ascend from 3D to 5D and physically function there.

Fourth density 4D is composed of twelve main sub-levels or realms. Currently, most spirits in the afterlife inhabit the third sub-level of 4D while the more evolved people inhabit the next one up – the fourth sub-level of 4D.

People in the afterlife inhabit etheric, quasi-physical bodies. To you and me, they are invisible ghosts. To each other, they are just as solid as you and I are to each other. It’s all relative.

On the day of The Shift, great energies will be released from within the Earth, raising the frequency of every atom of material on the planet. Those people in the popular realms of the afterlife will move up to higher sub-levels and we will move up into 4D to fill the vibrational vacuum they leave behind.

That means that fourth density – now the domain of spirits – will also become home to physical beings. The matter which makes up our bodies will vibrate at a higher rate than it currently does, making our bodies somewhat less dense than they are today.

In the new density after The Shift, healing will be so much easier and the aches and pains that can be so typical in 3D will melt away in the higher energy environment.

You have probably read or heard many ideas about how The Shift to a higher dimension will occur. Many of these ideas, upon reflection, can be seen to be unworkable, so it behooves us to figure out what we can actually expect.

For example, you may have heard about the Two Earths concept where people will be able to ascend to a New Earth and leave the Old Earth behind. The original Two Earths concept was highly symbolic. Personally, I like the idea, but, in its literal form, it just won’t work.

Think about it. What infrastructure would exist for you to move into right after you have ascended up to a brand-new version of Planet Earth? Being physical, you need food, shelter, and electricity would be a big help, too. Remember, while astral beings may be able to create anything they need out of etheric energy, physical beings are more solid and more limited, even when they move up into 4D.

Physical beings use physical matter. Spirit beings have more options as etheric energy – the substance of their spirit bodies and the objects around them – is a subtle energy while physical bodies are made of electric energy, which is far more dense.

So, we won’t be suddenly moving into a pristine New Earth with no food and shelter readily available for billions of newcomers. The truth is much simpler than a literal Two Earths idea.

The Earth we’re on will move up in frequency, taking everyone with it.

When the time comes for the physical Shift, people will find themselves in a different environment. How different?

Sensitive people will notice that the energy in the air is different. They will be surprised to find that auras are suddenly much easier to see, that there is a sensation of inner light within all physical objects, that the Sun is a slightly different color in a sky that seems filled with more light.

And look, even the toaster will glow on the outside as well as on the inside… all signs that something is very definitely different.

Meanwhile, people who are not in the least bit sensitive will still feel that things aren’t quite the same any more. Scientists will later discover with amazement that the speed of light has become faster than it was in the new, lighter-density environment.

It will be as if a cloud has lifted from the minds of anyone who wants to express their innate yearning for personal creativity. The arts will blossom in a mega renaissance while researchers and inventors will take steps by leaps and bounds to make the world a better place.

For lightworkers, it will be Prime Time. You’ll be calm while others are wild-eyed with concern. You’ll understand what’s going on while everyone else seems to be searching for answers and reassurances.

Owen K Waters is the author of the groundbreaking book on The Shift:
The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness (Updated Edition)

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Creating Inner Peace

by Owen K Waters

In the old tradition, the serious spiritual aspirant would ideally head for a cave and shut themselves inside until they reached some degree of enlightenment. Peace was a by-product of such isolation, partly because the aspirant was no longer in contact with the turmoil being constantly generated by a suffering humanity.

Today, that concept is being overturned for one more heart-centered. In The Shift to higher awareness, the idea of peace has expanded to include its full yin and yang aspects. The passive yin part is the mellow bliss of inner peace, while the active yang part actually spreads peace to those members of humanity who most desperately need its soothing balm.

Here is the powerful spiritual technique of what I term Kriya Shanti Yoga – the spiritual practice of creating peace. The concept is not new. It has been around since the 1950s when a Western Master of Yoga began teaching people the then-novel idea that they could actually heal the world.

Here, in its entirety, is the technique that will enable you to join with the new wave of Peace Creators…

First, go within. Reconnect with your spiritual source. Use your own meditation technique or the Infinite Being meditation. End your meditation session by spending time in gratitude for life, nature and the Infinite Being from which we have all materialized.

Let a sense of gratitude for everything in your life fill your heart.

Then, intend world peace and world enlightenment. Send this intention out into the world as love energy through the heart chakra, which is located just in front of your breastbone. Move that energy into the global mind atmosphere surrounding the Earth in this way…

On every in-breath, imagine white light from the Cosmos entering your crown chakra, which is above the head, and then traveling down your spine to the level of your heart. Then, let it travel forward into your heart chakra, just in front of your breastbone.

Now, see an energy of white light coming up from the Earth and entering the base of your spine to travel up your spine to the level of your heart, then forward, to merge with the cosmic energy in your heart chakra.

These energies of the Cosmos and the Earth will fuse together and cause an energetic reaction at the frequency of the heart chakra. This fusion forms a ball of energetic white light in the heart chakra, one which is conditioned by your intention for world peace and enlightenment.

Now, with every out-breath, send the power of this energetic reaction out into the world. Direct it as a beam of white light from your heart chakra out into the world.

Continue this in-breath, out-breath cycle for several minutes and you will not only help heal the world, you will change your entire day for the better.

The universe reflects who you are. When you practice healing the world, by automatic reflection, you bring healing to yourself and to all challenges you face.

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A Powerful Awakening Exercise

by Owen K Waters

Over the last four Fridays, Dreama Vance has released four progressively powerful practices to everyone on our email list.

The most recent, entitled The Emerald Heart, unveils the mysteries of the heart chakra to those willing to practice this simple yet profound meditation.

As lightworkers, we are here to change the consensus reality.

Now, wouldn’t it be just wonderful if we could just shift into a parallel reality where the world is already filled with love and light. Yes!

But, the reality is that, before such a reality exists, we have to create it through our explorations of higher energies and the higher realms of consciousness. We have to provide the critical mass for such a heaven in earth to exist through our actions.

Let’s take action together now!

Let’s practice those chakra meditations. Let’s face it. What else do we have to do on a fine Sunday when the world is waiting for us to fulfill our missions as lightworkers?

Then, if you have not already done so, join us on the upcoming Higher Energies course because that is where those meditations progress into the real fireworks realm of higher spiritual awakening!


The Emerald Heart

by Dreama Vance

This week did you skip a couple of days in your practice?
If so (and here is the link to review them so far), you discovered:

1) it is easier when you practice every day and
2) how easy it is when you practice!

Who would have thought that we have “spiritual muscle” that develops just like your muscles develop when you play tennis or practice the piano? Your muscles retain memory. So, obviously, does your spirit!

Or, did you, on the other hand, race ahead to take a peek at the heart chakra? If so, then you probably noticed the second foundational element of existence that we will talk about today, which is Light.

All of existence is made of Light. Light and Expansion go hand in hand. You see and experience these foundational elements every time you meditate. You sense them at each chakra. Now that you know them with a name, it is easy to see them in your experience.

Today in our exercise we travel up the spine from the third chakra at the navel to the level of the heart, where we see the beautiful emerald green of the heart chakra.


By now you are familiar with how we explore the chakras. You clear your energy and move into your meditational space, where you become aware you are in a state of peace and tranquility. You become conscious of the present moment and the Abiding Presence. You become conscious that you reside in this Abiding Presence and this Presence resides in you. You are One.

Then we work individually with each chakra, one at a time. We focus and hold our attention on the center. We notice and observe our experience. We allow our experience. We don’t try to create something. We just observe our experience.

Notice the Light and how it radiates in each chakra. Notice how each chakra is luminous.

As we use our intention and allow the flow of energy to increase, notice you feel uplifted, literally raised up.

As we move into the energy of the heart chakra, we immediately feel that expanded state and immediately sense the light. We feel that magnetic quality of the emerald green heart center drawing us to this energy. Notice there is a feeling state with this chakra.

It is the center known for the feeling of love. I also find other words that describe this center. Peace radiates out from this center. Goodwill travels on the waves of expansion. There is a heart wisdom and understanding that opens in this center.

As we allow the flow of energy to increase in this center, we feel this opening wide sensation. We feel this embracing quality as our hearts open, as if we could embrace the entire world. Indeed, that loving quality is right there in the center of our being, right in the center of our heart.

Do join us on the Higher Energies course as we continue with the upper spiritual chakras in our meditations. You will find yourself more and more in alignment with less and less resistance. You will find more and more individual experience coming to you, as you gain ability to perceive more.

Right brain learning, which is what you have been doing with the chakra meditations, is experiential knowledge. Left brain learning is that logical, think-it-through, figure it all out, way of understanding. We are used to that way of learning and the course will have all of that included, also. Owen has an amazing ability to make the complex easy to understand, so I hope you join us!

Many blessings,


P.S. If you have animals in the house, don’t be surprised if they all come and pile on top of you in your meditation as you start including the heart chakra!