Category Archives: Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Development

by Owen Waters

The more you pay attention to your natural, intuitive perceptions, the more they develop. Intuitive insight also develops when you encourage it by spending time in regular meditation.

The act of directing your attention within gives you a distinct edge when functioning in the everyday, outside world.

As recently as the 1980s, intuitive development was still called “psychic” development, as in, “something strange and unusual.” Today, intuitive insight is becoming very mainstream, very normal, very practical.

Today’s mushrooming awareness of intuitive development reminds me of the early days of the telephone. Back in the early 1930s, people used to lift the earphone part of the telephone, crank the bell-generating handle, then speak to the local operator, whom they probably knew by name.

It went like, “Mary? Get me Bob, will you?” Bob, in that case, would have been the only Bob in town who, so far, had his own telephone. Making calls outside of your local area required a lot of patience, not to mention a second mortgage on your house in order to pay the bill.

Long distance calls were so special in those days that, in Hollywood movies, you’d see a glamorous starlet with a huge telephone earpiece held to her ear, leaning toward the microphone piece that jutted out from the wall-mounted box, excitedly yelling, “Hello; calling long distance! Hello; calling long distance!”

Then, thanks perhaps to excited starlets, everyone in town wanted a telephone. In fact, the telephone industry expanded so fast that a leading economist declared that it was not possible for that rapid rate of expansion to continue because there was a natural limit to such growth. In great confidence, he declared that the growth in telephone usage could not continue simply because there were not enough telephone operators in existence.

Telephone growth did continue, however, just as soon as it became possible for people to dial their own numbers and bypass Mary, the local telephone operator. Basically, everyone became their own telephone operator.

Today, we face a very different growth phenomenon. People are becoming plugged in within. We are becoming our own psychic/intuitive “telephone operators.”

One of the best things that you can develop today is your connection to the source of your own inner wisdom. Within each and every one of us is a source of universal and personal wisdom. Our inner beings – our souls or higher selves – have all the wisdom that we have accumulated ever since we came into existence.

The best service that we can render to ourselves and the world in these critical days of The Shift is to reconnect – loud and clear – to the source of our own inner wisdom.

*Owen Waters is author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness

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The Infinite Being Meditation

by Owen K Waters

hibiscusPeace can sometimes be so far away, and inner bliss… even farther away.

Take the time now to spend some real quality time by going within. Find that sense of peace that lies within. Visit the place where inner bliss dwells and waits patiently for your return.

Let yourself unwind and compose yourself for a few precious moments of peace. Remember that your mind is much more far-reaching than your physical brain. Your mind, as consciousness, is nonphysical, while your brain is just the physical translator of your consciousness.

Your mind, therefore, always has the ability to tell your brain;

“Shsh! It’s meditation time!”

Focus your mind away from the clutter of day-to-day living and turn your attention inwards to the peaceful core of your inner being. Then think of the deepest possible state of consciousness.

And what could that state be?

It is the state of consciousness known as Infinite Being. The word Infinite reflects the idea of ultimate, while the word Being refers to a state of awareness, rather than a doing activity. Infinite Being is infinite consciousness without a focus upon any specific activity.

Infinite Being doesn’t have to do anything, it already is everything.

It is important to appreciate that the state of Infinite Being is not “out there” somewhere external to us. Infinite Being encompasses all consciousness, including all manifestation. We are that consciousness, as is everything else in existence.

The Most Powerful Affirmation

sunsetpalmsIn meditation practices, affirmations are often used to focus the mind. By simply repeating the words, “I am,” you affirm your true nature as consciousness. In the case of the Infinite Being meditation, we affirm our innermost identity as the ultimate, infinite consciousness.

The affirmation “I am Infinite Being” is the most powerful affirmation possible within the English language.

The phrase “I am Infinite Being” is an affirmation of your oneness with the ultimate potential, the source of all life, the consciousness from which all life sprang. You are one with that universal consciousness. Everything in manifestation is one with that universal consciousness. Now is the time to consciously affirm your ultimate potential. It may take courage to begin with, but the results are more than worth the effort.

If you find issues arising, such as a feeling of unworthiness in your alignment with the ‘All That Is,’ with Infinite Being, just let those thoughts go, then gently bring your mind back into focus upon the affirmation. You do not have to justify the words, or settle any internal argument about them, just because of some prior conditioning as to how someone said you “should” think in this life. Think independently, think infinitely, and you will connect with the consciousness of your ultimate potential.

Have the inner discipline to stay with the affirmation and let any issues fade away unchallenged. Your inner self knows the meaning of the words and resonates in joy with their exact and literal truth. Every time you make this affirmation, you become more connected with Infinite Being. Any lesser thoughts are then healed within the light of greater truth.

Find a quiet space to sit down for a few minutes, close your eyes, and start looking for the quiet space within. To keep your brain occupied with the task at hand, focus your attention on the slow, even flow of your breath as it passes in and out of your nostrils.

As you breathe each in-breath, mentally repeat the affirmation “I am Infinite Being.”

On the out-breath, simply allow your attention to follow the flow of air from your nostrils. To induce an immediate calming effect, allow each out-breath to take longer than each in-breath.

Life energy, also known as etheric energy, is conditioned primarily within the human spinal column. From there it is distributed to the rest of the body via the subtle nervous system. Most key functions in the human body owe their operation primarily to the supply of etheric life energy, rather than to the supply of electrical energy. Etheric energy, like consciousness, is non-physical and yet it is behind all life.

To help enhance the natural flow of life energy within your spine while performing this meditation it is preferable to sit upright in an erect chair. As you progress with this meditation, the natural flow of life energy within your spine will become enhanced, bringing an enlivened awareness to your consciousness.

When distracting thoughts arise – which they will – treat them with patience and understanding. Put each distracting thought aside so that you can continue with the Infinite Being meditation. If a thought seems important or urgent, then it will be sure to return later, after your meditation session has finished.

There are a number of ways to enhance your meditation experience. One is to reserve a small space, such as the corner of a quiet room, where only meditation is conducted. That space then becomes more conducive to a meditation environment. A small table or surface can be covered with items that you connect with spiritual practice. Candles and incense are especially useful as they provide some initial focus for the senses.

It also helps to always use the same chair, one that is constructed primarily of a non-metallic material. Metal chairs attract etheric life energy away from you, which is great for the chair, but not so good for the meditation session.

A small clock completes your setting, and clean, light clothing, reserved especially for meditation, further enhances the atmosphere. A shower or bath before meditation is very valuable, as water is a powerful cleanser. If, for example, you have just come home from a hectic day at work, then your energy body will be filled with the distractions of the day, stored in etheric energy form.

The water that cleanses you in a shower or bath not only cleanses you of physical impurities, but, more importantly, it also cleanses the etheric energy impurities that do not belong in your energy body.

The reason that water is such an effective energy cleanser lies in its chemical composition. Water consists of H2O – hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen is not just a chemical that the body needs. Its greater role is to carry life-giving, etheric energy. When you shower, your etheric body is being washed with the water’s flow of cleansing, etheric energy.

Make Spirituality Your Number One Priority

The best investment of your time each day is to spend 20 minutes in meditation. Make the time for this to happen. Make it the day’s first priority. The easiest habit to adopt is one which makes up the first activity of the day. Making it a routine will also reinforce the effects of the meditation.

If you are hungry to the point of distraction before a meditation session, then have some light refreshment, such as fruit or juice. Conversely, a full stomach after a heavy meal will have a deadening effect upon the higher possibilities of your meditation session, so plan to eat any large meals at least two hours ahead.

The Aims of the Infinite Being Meditation

  • To quiet your daily brain activity by focusing on rhythmic activities that induce a spiritual focus.
  • To affirm your connection to the highest possible state of awareness.
  • To charge your system with additional life energy through controlled breathing.
  • To create a Being Space, where your consciousness can move easily into the experience of your inner state of being.

The Complete Infinite Being Meditation Technique

  1. Take a few moments to completely relax your physical body. Sit in an upright chair with your eyes closed, then clench your feet, toes and leg muscles. Release the tension and let your feet and legs relax completely. Do the same clench-and-release process for your stomach, chest and back; then your arms and hands; then your neck and face.
  2. In preparation, take three deep breaths and exhale each one completely.
  3. Now focus your attention on the slow, even flow of breath as it passes in and out of your nostrils.
  4. As you breathe each in-breath, mentally repeat the affirmation,
    “I am Infinite Being.”
  5. On the out-breath, allow your attention to follow the flow of air from your nostrils. To induce an immediate calming effect, slow each out-breath and allow it to take up to twice as long as each in-breath.
  6. To make a space for your consciousness to dip into the experience of being, pause at the end of the out-breath. Hold the breath out of your body until you feel the need to inhale again. This will typically be for around three seconds, sometimes less. When you are in this motionless quiet space, don’t think, just be. Subtle impressions may arise from your inner self in this Being Space. The end of each breathing cycle is your personal communion space with your inner being. Ignore surface mental noise – words and feelings that jump into your attention – and maintain your focus upon the quiet inner space and subtle impressions of higher consciousness. Nothing loud comes from your inner being. Focus your awareness upon your inner silence. With practice, this is a time when great insights and inspiration quietly dawn upon your awareness.
  7. Repeat this cycle of breathing and being for 20 minutes.


The affirmation “I am Infinite Being” is the most powerful affirmation possible within the English language.

An effective meditation technique opens the door to more inspiration, love and creativity into your life.

Happy surfing upon the realms of spiritual awareness!

*Owen Waters is the author of The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness.

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What Is The New Awareness?

by Owen K Waters

In the mid-1960s, the attention of young people took a sudden turn inwards. It was as if a light switch had turned on. They suddenly awoke and said,

“Oh, yes, I remember now. The answers are to be found within.”

The mid-1960s through the mid-1970s were times of inner searching. The outside world came to be seen as materially-obsessed and insincere. If there was meaning in life, it was to be found within.

The spiritual revolution in human consciousness had begun.

In the United States, the ‘Baby Boomer’ generation refers to people born between 1946 and 1962. Today, ‘boomers’ form one-third of the U.S. population, 14% of which are metaphysical believers and seekers. These leading-edge thinkers emphasize inner spirituality and self-expansiveness. Their sense of self is that of a real, inner self rather than an outwardly-focused, ego type of self.

The true, inner self is found in silence. The inner self is who you are. It is your soul. Your inner self is your personal link to the universe and to its source, the Absolute or Infinite Being. It is in this silence that you come to realize that everything in the universe is one, that separation is actually an illusion. In the light of this inner, soul connection, you also develop your sense of unconditional love for all of life and all of humanity.

Over the years, as the boomers grew into career-making, home-making and raising families of their own, their attention became focused upon the demands of the outside world. Their spiritual awakening appeared to have been put on hold. Instead, in reality, their spiritual awareness was building strength while it waited to find expression in the outer world.

By the 1990s, boomers were seeking to express that spirituality within their lives. In the period 1990-2003, for example, 25% of British adults in the 30-59 age group deliberately downshifted. This means that they made voluntary choices to better their health and family lives, even though such choices meant earning less money.

The 1990s saw the holistic lifestyle blossom and grow to include three times more people than before. Mind, body and spirit became the new mantra of holistic living. If something is good for your mind, body and spirit, then it is, by definition, good for the whole you.

The New Awareness today focuses upon gaining inner knowing through self-realization and self-development. It fosters spiritual self-reliance without the imposition of standards or duties by an external authority. With the New Awareness, your true, inner self is your authority. Your sense of responsibility becomes powered by love rather than fear. You do no harm to others because you love your fellow human beings, not because you fear judgment and punishment. Your spiritual awareness grows into spiritual adulthood. You no longer need to be told what to do, how to think, or what your place in life ‘should’ be.

Each person’s inner self is cultivated and treasured for its uniqueness. There is always potential for self-improvement, always potential for creating a better life. Along with inner development, comes a clearer sense of intuition or insight. Suddenly, with better insight, a person’s options in life become crystal clear. With insight, you easily identify the best course of action to successfully meet any challenge.

With insight, also comes synchronicity. Life begins to fold around your envisioned plan of action, supporting it by providing opportunities and resources just when they are needed the most.

‘Quality of life’ is the new standard replacing the old ‘standard of living.’ Well-being of the whole self is paramount. Helping other people, being of real service to the world, is a natural desire which unfolds as your sense of inner connection strengthens.

Your self-esteem is boosted and healed in the knowledge that every person has a unique gift to offer the world, the knowledge that you’re going to deliver that gift, and that you’re going to love doing it!

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Magic Happens

by Owen K Waters
Posted September 15, 2018

Hurricane Florence, with its winds churning at 140 mph, was predicted to be a Category 4 or 5 hurricane by the time it made landfall on the U.S. east coast.

Thank you to everyone who responded with prayers and healing light as the hurricane came ashore. The intensity of the storm was much lighter than expected thanks to the thoughts and prayers of lightworkers everywhere. Florence made landfall as a Category 1, with winds much reduced to 90 mph.

Most of the mortal danger from Hurricane Florence is now over. What remains is further risks from flooding all the way up the eastern U.S.

As the people affected move into recovery mode, they face the possibility of devastating and heartbreaking losses along with a long and frustrating road toward repair and some semblance of normalcy in their lives.

My muddy office floor after the floodwater came and went.

In 2013, I experienced loss in a flood, with evacuation to hard-to-find hotel rooms, personal injury from lifting heavy items, and power outages.

Then followed a long struggle to replace flooded appliances, floor coverings, swollen floorboards and soaked walls in an area where everyone needed help all at once.

Floods are no picnic. They drain the human spirit beyond belief.

Today, we can send our love and light to support the rescue and recovery efforts of all those affected by this monumental storm.

You can use your own technique, or any method of raising the energy of the intended target area. For example, Tom T. Moore, author of The Gentle Way, recommends asking your guardian angel for help, both in personal challenges and to help others in need.

While we all have spirit guides, Tom points out that we also have a guardian angel who volunteered to be assigned to us for this lifetime and they really can affect outcomes in the physical world, provided:

(1) A physical person requests their help, and

(2) They co-create this in the physical realm by saying the request physically out loud or by physically writing it.

The request in this case would be:
“I am asking that all those beings who need help as a result of Hurricane Florence receive all the help they need right now from all those beings who can help them.”

You could also choose to use the World Healing Technique that we teach. Here it is in summary:

Sit upright with your eyes closed.
Make a spiritual connection, one which includes gratitude for life.
Intend world healing by visualizing the desired positive outcome.
Breathe in life energy with each inbreath.
On each outbreath, repeat your intention and send a beam of white light from your heart to your intended recipients as a whole.

Whichever method you choose, everyone will benefit – both the recipients of your light and your own spiritual evolution.

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The Physics of Tao

by Owen K Waters

Almost forty years ago, Fritjof Capra’s book The Tao of Physics set out to explore the parallels between the worldviews of modern physics and Eastern mysticism. The author’s conclusion was that the two were, not just consistent, but in perfect harmony with each other.

Physics has advanced in many ways in forty years and so has mysticism and its understanding of the universe. In particular, many insights into the mysteries of the universe have emerged from the spiritual revolution in the West.

From the mystic perspective, the universe was created by Original Consciousness, Tao, or Infinite Being, focusing through an active Creator aspect of itself. The mystic asks, “How did God create this?” while hoping for a glimpse into the cosmic manufacturer’s mind. One thing’s for sure with such a mystical approach: You find a lot more answers when you open up to the idea of higher energies than by insisting that nothing exists beyond physical matter.

To the materialist, thoughts are just electrical signals firing somewhere inside the brain. If that were true, then you’d be like an electronic computer with pre-programmed thoughts, no self-awareness, no free will, and no feelings! Your mind is not your brain and mind energy is not electrical. Mind energy is one of those higher energies that the Creator saw fit to create.

One of the mysteries facing physics is a type of experiment which reveals that related energy particles can communicate with each other much faster than the speed of light. How could this be possible, they ask, when the speed of light is supposed to limit all action in the universe? In the view of physics today, all energies can travel at the speed of light and no faster. That’s because of the assumption that all energies must be down-to-earth, material, electromagnetic energies. Well, how about those higher energies?

In the broader picture, we don’t just live in a conscious universe, the universe IS conscious! All things are composed of consciousness because the universe was created from the only available material – consciousness.

We know that physical matter is composed of energy, but from what is energy made?

Energy is compressed consciousness.

There is not just one level of energy in existence. The next higher energy above electric energy is etheric, or vital life, energy. Electric energy is a compressed form of the higher, etheric energy.

What’s above etheric energy? All levels of mind energy, from the lowest to the most inspired. Feeling and thought are the yin and yang of mind energy. Both varieties intertwine all the way up into the realms of spirit, of soul consciousness, and beyond into the cosmic realms.

So, how do those two energy particles communicate with each other faster than the speed of light? The answer is easy to appreciate once your worldview is expanded…

Mind energy travels at millions of times the speed of light.

The two particles communicate at the speed of thought, and the speed of light has no bearing upon the situation. Like everything in the universe, those particles contain awareness. In a universe comprised of consciousness, nothing can exist without consciousness. As particles of a fundamental nature, their awareness may be rudimentary, but their display of feeling is quite obvious to the observer. As related particles, they have developed a connection with each other and their willingness to communicate demonstrates this bond. Thought and feeling are the materials from which this conscious universe is made.

Mind energy exists on a scale that rises into the higher realms of awareness like a stairway to heaven. Higher consciousness is very real and it can be yours by turning your attention within, spending time daily in reflection or meditation, and opening up to the intuitive knowingness which resides within your own soul level of consciousness.

Expanded awareness isn’t just for mystics. It opens the doors of perception where you can understand far more about the nature of reality. It brings you closer to the eternal fountain of joy and wisdom which lies within the soul consciousness of each and every one of us.

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The Nature of the Soul

by Owen K Waters

Your soul is your immortal inner being. It existed before time began and it will always exist, even when you merge back in your ultimate spiritual home as a conscious aspect of Infinite Being – the Divine Source of all life.

Out of the 12 levels or density layers of existence, we, in this physical realm, are in 3rd density. The soul is in 5th density, and Infinite Being is beyond the 12th. Your soul is your individualized spiritual presence, operating in 5th density and it maintains communication with the souls of everyone with whom you interact in daily life.

The soul world of 5th density is non-physical, our dense physical world is in 3rd density, while 4th density – the afterlife or spirit world – is quasi-physical. The term quasi-physical means that the spirit world is solid to its residents, even though they are etheric or ghost-like when compared to our dense physical structures. Spirits can, and do, bump into each other in the spirit realms because they are solid relative to each other.

Life in the spirit world is much like life in our dense physical world, except that there are certain freedoms that come with having a less dense body. The ability to levitate is one such freedom and, better still, spirits can project themselves almost instantly to another location and suddenly appear there. It just takes mental focus and – whoosh – they appear at the target location.

You don’t see people wearing spectacles in the spirit world because their sense of sight works as a direct perception rather than through their eyes in the way that we use our eyes. They can focus telescopically on distant objects to make them appear near, and they can focus microscopically on a nearby object, right down to its atomic structure. Their sense of hearing, too, can be focused to pick up sounds at great distances.

When we in the physical world are able to replicate the principles behind ‘astral projection’, we, too, will have instant transportation to other locations. Then, it’ll be bye-bye to cars, trucks, trains, planes and rocket ships.

5th density is the start of non-physical existence, so your soul is a non-physical sphere of consciousness. It has the freedom to relocate both in time and space but it spends most of its time catering to the needs of its physical, incarnate self.

In 5th density, when one soul meets another they recognize each other, not from any physical appearance, but from their unique signature vibration. Each soul emits a unique signature tone which is a form of mental energy that is perceived as a subtle sound.

Your soul is the recorder and cataloger of all of your experiences as you add your contribution to the vast array of human experience on earth. A major portion of your soul consciousness lives right here in 3rd density with you, tending to your every spiritual need. As your inner self, your soul knows you better than anyone else in the world does, and it’s available for consultation 24/7. The limiting factor is how much your physical mind will allow and accept intuitive, soul-originated thoughts.

In order to live a life inspired by intuitive, inner wisdom you need only make a decision to do just that. Open up your awareness to the whisperings of your intuitive nature. Practice following your innermost hunches. Make a note of them so that you can look back later and see how accurate they have become.

Don’t be deterred if your hunches seem inaccurate during your early attempts. It happens that way to most people. Just keep practicing and very soon your hunches will start turning into a resource so valuable that you’ll wonder what you did without it.

Owen K Waters is the author of Love, Light, Laughter: The New Spirituality.

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The Spiritual Age

by Owen K Waters

The Spiritual Age is not just another age to be documented in the pages of history books.

The Spiritual Age is a quantum leap in the evolution of humankind.

meditationladyThere are 12 distinct stages in the evolution of human consciousness. There is a lower tier of six material stages followed by a higher tier of six spiritual stages. Once a person shifts from the material tier into the spiritual tier of evolution, everything changes. The old rules no longer apply, and the ways of the new reality have to be understood and acted upon.

Imagine the radical change that a butterfly goes through in its transformation from an earthbound, limited chrysalis to the joyous freedom of a butterfly. Likewise, a radical transformation occurs when humans move into the spiritual stages of their evolution.

When you enter the realms of spiritual consciousness through the gateway of the heart, you begin to understand that love is more important than money, power, fame, or any of the other entrapments of material life.

Upon moving into the energy of unconditional love, it becomes clear that helping others is the key to success in life. Your viewpoint of life is expanded, just as the butterfly sees more from its position above the ground than it ever saw before while earthbound.

In the New Reality, success will be measured, not by money, but by the amount of joy in your life.

Once a person has gained an understanding of the expanded realm of the heart, they are free to move on to the next stages of spiritual consciousness. Inspiration starts to flow. Inner knowing comes to the fore. Intuition is your daily guide and helper as the wisdom of your soul comes forth to help you succeed at all your efforts in life.

With soul communion comes the blissful joy of spiritual consciousness. With that blissful joy comes inner peace and the lifting away of all the cares of the world. This is reality. This is the state that God always intended for you to discover so that you can live and love in the light of soul consciousness and become a fully-empowered spiritual being.

Your birthright is love, light, and the laughter that springs from spiritual joy.

The above was an extract from Owen K Waters’ new book, Love, Light, Laughter: The New Spirituality.

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The Spiritual Gifts

by Dreama Vance
December 10, 2017

Did you know that one of the best spiritual practices you can do is to “work” with your energy centers on a daily basis?

I am sure you are familiar with the seven major energy centers of the body, also called chakras. There are other smaller centers around the body and larger centers outside of the body. For our purposes we are going to focus on the seven major ones.

Many of you are advanced in your studies and you may think this is too elementary for you. I think, however, that when you begin to practice this teaching, you will be amazed at what you experience and, therefore, learn.

Today and on the coming three Fridays you will get a lesson from me. It is my gift to you and will cover the first four major chakras and how you work with them. We will cover the higher chakras in our upcoming course on Higher Energies.

First, let me reassure you that “working with the chakras” is not difficult and will only take five to ten minutes of your time. This is why we start with one chakra at a time. You will do this work in meditation when you are connected to Spirit and in a calm and receptive space.

One of the things that will happen when you begin to work with the chakras is you will develop your abilities to sense and feel the energies. This is soooo important. Each chakra has a different energy range, a different vibrational set of frequencies.

With practice, you will be able to discern these and experience the differences between them. This becomes very advantageous when you reach the spiritual levels of frequency, as they are very rapid. It is our goal to be able to navigate these higher frequencies with ease and to maintain our conscious focus at these higher vibrations and, indeed, these higher states of consciousness.


The seven major chakras are actually transmitters of energy. They each contain a gift from Spirit. You know that you are Spirit in manifested form. Accessing your vibrational frequencies at the different chakra levels allows you to access the different qualities, and attributes of Spirit. These actually are gifts and are given to us. We do not have to “earn” them. They are freely given.


Allow 5 or 10 minutes for total concentration in meditation. If you need to set a timer, do, so you can be totally relaxed and centered on the exercise. By being totally focused you will be able to sense the very subtle energies. We want to experience these as much as we can. If you have a favorite way to move into a meditational state, use your own method.

It is always a good idea to start any meditation with a clearing exercise. Here is one I like to use. It clears the physical body and consequently, the other subtle bodies as well.

Visualize the Sun above your head and to your right. Then visualize the Moon above your head on the left. The Sun sends a ray of light to the Moon. Then they both send down beams of light that come together into one ray that is sent down into the top of your head. In other words, those three lines of light form a triangle over your head. Bring that light down into your head, down into your body and feel it roll through you like a wave, cleansing away all stress and tension, all mental anxiety and worry. Let it roll all the way down to your toes, into the Earth. The Earth will take that energy and mulch it into clean, renewable energy for the Universe.


Use whatever technique works for you to move into meditation. If you don’t have one, simply follow your breath as you sit quietly, after the clearing described above, and notice a sense of peace and tranquility. Move into the present moment and notice that there is a Presence inside of you, breathing you, beating your heart.

Now move your consciousness to the base chakra, which is at the bottom of the spine. The energy centers are about the size of a lime, although they do expand and contract. The rainbow colors are the most widely used system for the chakras and that is what we will use.

Keep your attention focused on the base chakra. You can visualize the beautiful rosy red color of this energy ball. Notice what you are feeling. Observe. Move out with your inner senses and become aware of this energy. You may feel it pulsing. It has a vitality to it. It is the gateway of life energy for the physical body.

Using just your intention, allow the maximum amount of energy to enter this chakra. Keep your focus and attention on that energy center at the base of the spine. Notice as the energy expands and opens.

You may actually feel the energy boost in the physical body. Just observe.

Notice. Stay focused.

You may want to jot down your observations. This way you can see how you develop your abilities to experience the energy centers.

Practice this short exercise every day. By Friday you will be proficient at beginning to sense energy in the centers. This will develop and your ability will expand as we proceed with the next step.

Many blessings to you!

Announcement: Our Mastering Higher Energies course is beginning soon. If you haven’t already registered for this groundbreaking course on higher energies, be sure to check out the full details at:

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The Shift: The Time Is Now

by Dreama Vance

Listen. Do you hear it? It is like the flutter of tiny wings in your heart. It is calling to you.

It calls so softly. Is it more a feeling? A rhythm that pulls you, do you hear it? You hear it in your soul, the inner Self. It is who you really are. You cannot deny it, because it is you. When you hear it, that soft flutter, you respond.

Your heart yields to the call. It is the clarion call. You have heard it before and you have responded. Long before your first incarnation on this beautiful planet, you heard the call. Love poured forth from you. “Yes,” you said. “Yes.”

Through many lifetimes, hardships and challenges in the valley of forgetfulness, we have continued to endure and respond with “Yes.”

Now is the time. You can hear the call again. You remember. You awaken. “Oh, yes!”, you cry as you embrace that remembered moment. You remember the love that flooded your being. You remember the joy of answering the call to be of service. “Yes,” you said, “a thousand times, yes!”

Now is the time you can hear the call again. “Rise up! Now is the time!” For so long we have waited. But now we hear the clarion call, awakening us to ACTION. We are being called so clearly, so insistently, to action. NOW IS OUR TIME. TAKE ACTION NOW. Embrace freedom.

Let Life flow through you. Awaken to God within you. See God all around you. Embrace freedom as you change your life and show others how to change theirs. Use your gifts. Fulfill your mission. You are here for a reason. You have a spiritual reason for being here now. It is time. NOW! NOW! NOW! NOW IS OUR TIME.

GET MOVING. Begin your work. You may feel you have been doing your work and fulfilling your mission but NOW IS THE TIME.

Re-assess, re-evaluate. The energy of change is pounding at the door. This is a tidal wave of energy that will uplift us if we listen. It will empower us if we let it. It will embrace us and change us and freedom will be sounded with this clarion call.

Dear ones, Now is The Time! Wake up from your daily lives. Remember why you are here! You are here for this moment in history. Don’t sleep through it! This is a call to action. Turn off the TV and any other distractions.

Listen and follow the rhythm of your heart. Get moving.

The time is now.

Recommended further reading – The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness (Updated Edition, November 2016) by Owen Waters.

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The Joy of a Soul Connection

by Owen K Waters

When we tune into the soul level of consciousness, we find that there is much more to achieving personal happiness than anything related to external events. Real joy comes from within, from an unending source which is divine in origin.

The creative will of the Divine Father aspect of God merged in perfect union with the everlasting love of the Divine Mother aspect of God together fill the universe with total, unadulterated, blissful joy!

The greatest discovery of a person who regularly practices meditation is that, one day, the door will open to this unending supply of blissful joy. On that day, the spiritual seeker knows, beyond all shadow of any doubt, that God lies silently within all things and all consciousness. We are a part of that Divine Oneness, and it is through the joy of soul consciousness that we realize this connection.

Remember that your soul consciousness is your complete, inner consciousness. Your daily, conscious awareness, on the other hand, is focused on the outside world for a purpose. The true purpose is so that we can find our way back to that from which we came, even though we are spiritually “blindfolded,” so to speak. The game of life on Earth is played so that we can experience the rediscovery of that joyous connection to the oneness from which we originally came.

All the happiness in the world pales in comparison with the supreme joy of that inner connection. Soul-inspired joy is lasting happiness. It has no beginning and no end because it is always there, just as God is always there, within each and every one of us.

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