Author Archives: Owen K Waters

About Owen K Waters

Owen K Waters transforms the mysteries of spiritual metaphysics into clarities. As an international spiritual teacher, he has helped hundreds of thousands of spiritual seekers to better understand the nature of their spiritual potential. For over fifty years, he has focused upon gaining spiritual insights through extensive research and the development of his inner vision. As co-founder of the Spiritual Dynamics Academy, he offers spiritual seekers a clear understanding and mastery of the spiritual principles of life.

The Joy of a Soul Connection

by Owen K Waters

When we tune into the soul level of consciousness, we find that there is much more to achieving personal happiness than anything related to external events. Real joy comes from within, from an unending source which is divine in origin.

The creative will of the Divine Father aspect of God merged in perfect union with the everlasting love of the Divine Mother aspect of God together fill the universe with total, unadulterated, blissful joy!

The greatest discovery of a person who regularly practices meditation is that, one day, the door will open to this unending supply of blissful joy. On that day, the spiritual seeker knows, beyond all shadow of any doubt, that God lies silently within all things and all consciousness. We are a part of that Divine Oneness, and it is through the joy of soul consciousness that we realize this connection.

Remember that your soul consciousness is your complete, inner consciousness. Your daily, conscious awareness, on the other hand, is focused on the outside world for a purpose. The true purpose is so that we can find our way back to that from which we came, even though we are spiritually “blindfolded,” so to speak. The game of life on Earth is played so that we can experience the rediscovery of that joyous connection to the oneness from which we originally came.

All the happiness in the world pales in comparison with the supreme joy of that inner connection. Soul-inspired joy is lasting happiness. It has no beginning and no end because it is always there, just as God is always there, within each and every one of us.

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From Heart to Soul: The Path to Liberation

by Owen K Waters

Freedom! The eternal cry of the soul.

But, what is the soul? And what does freedom entail?

People often equate heart and soul as the same thing while, in reality, they are distinct and different so it helps to make some definitions. After all, a journey to a new land goes well when it starts with a map and it can falter when no such guide is available.

In these days of The Shift, our physical bodies are being gradually risen in frequency. When the time is ripe, we will physically enter fourth-density existence, a higher realm where heart-centered consciousness is the basis of all thought.

In today’s third-density world, ambition for the self often takes precedence over the good of the many. In the emerging heart-centered consciousness, however, one’s effect on others is given every consideration and win-win situations are sought.

As the heart opens further, the door opens to spiritual awakening. Once spirituality enters the perspective, it becomes obvious that the primary objective of the human experience is that of spiritual growth. Even though, at a soul level, each person has a unique set of objectives for their life, the underlying primary purpose of all human life remains the same – that of spiritual growth.

While spiritual awakening occurs in the developed stage of heart-centered awareness, the very next step brings enormous enlightenment through an awakening of contact with the soul level of consciousness.

Your soul is based in the fifth-density, or throat chakra, level of consciousness. It is also present at all times in every other level of your consciousness, including day-to-day physical awareness, but people rarely turn within to pay it much attention during a busy day.

Within your soul are the memories of everyone you have ever been, of every experience you have ever had, and the plan you outlined for this life before it began. Life plans are continually managed at a soul level because they need adjustments to stay on track despite changing circumstances.

A life plan is a map of intended destiny, but it needs constant adaptation and the physical mind is helped through intuitive inspiration from the soul. The more in-touch you are with your inner being, the easier it becomes for you to stay on track with your own life plan.

As you encourage your own soul awareness, you become closer to mastering all that physical life has to offer and closer to completing your own cycle of reincarnation. When you rise above the need for further reincarnation, you move into the soul realms and operate from there with all the freedoms that come with such an unlimited existence.

As a soul, you are then able to move across space and time at will, as easily as the hands of a pianist running up and down a keyboard. You exist in a world of beauty, filled with endless hues of color and inspiring harmonic sounds. Your connection to the divine is open and this fills you with constant joy. Your soul family – hundreds of other souls that you love the most – can be in touch with you at any time you wish. There is no loneliness in such a connected and supporting world.

You learn the deeper mysteries of life without having to pursue any of the needs and duties that now take up so much of your time in the physical world.

The ultimate journey from the heart to the soul can start now with a determination to develop your own soul awareness while in your physical body and to take rapid strides toward the liberation that awaits us all.

It is your progress into higher consciousness while living in a physical body which counts more than anything in the grand scheme of things.

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The Shift To a Heart-Centered Culture

by Owen K Waters

Since the 1960s, a massive shift in consciousness has brought sweeping changes to society. Wouldn’t we all like to know where this is heading? And, what will tomorrow’s world look like?

The answer emerged as long ago as the 1960s, when a pioneering social scientist called Clare Graves was studying the phases of conscious evolution that society has gone through over the ages.

His studies led him to declare that humankind is preparing for what he called a momentous leap – a mega-change within society which would dwarf all previous changes, because it would open up a whole new tier of evolutionary changes.

In 2005, I published a book called The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness which pointed out that these stages of social evolution agree perfectly with the human chakra system. The key to matching these two systems lay in pointing out the little-known fact that there are two phases to each of the major chakras – a yin and a yang phase.

The yin phase is where people begin to explore the new frequency of consciousness and the expanded worldview which it offers. Then, they graduate to the yang phase, where they master the new chakra and use their new ability to create effective action which changes their world for the better.

For example, society spent much of the 20th century mastering the solar plexus chakra. This resulted in the development of intellect, along with science, technology, and all the wonderful gadgets that we enjoy today.

In the late 20th century, it became more and more obvious that many people were taking the next step and developing heart-centered consciousness. The activation of the heart chakra brings an awareness that the good of the many is an important concern and that cooperation can produce more for everyone than competition ever did.

Heart-centered consciousness brings an expanded worldview where issues like sustainability, human rights, and the freedom to develop your own potential come to the fore. These issues simply don’t exist in the solar plexus world of ambitious intellect. But, in a heart-centered world, they become very much a part of the landscape.

What happens, you might ask, when many more people take this even a step further and move from the yin or introductory phase into the yang phase of the heart chakra? Then, they will master this new, expanded level of consciousness.

The active or yang phase of heart-centered consciousness is where unconditional love begins to flow through the person. At first, it may seem like a mystery where these higher sentiments are coming from, but eventually the awakening person realizes that this is simply the nature of the universe.

If this sounds like a spiritual awakening, that’s because it is. The higher aspect of the heart chakra is the launching pad for an appreciation of the spiritual nature that exists behind all physical manifestation.

Despite what you were taught as a child, this is not a hostile universe. It is benign through and through. The sense of unconditional love that you feel as you settle into heart-centered consciousness is not generated by wishful thinking… you are sensing the energy that forms the very fabric of the universe!

Belligerence is a man-made illusion. It is a divergence from the true nature of the universe. The universe is essentially a loving and supportive place. We just have to channel that feeling of unconditional love into our lives and the world will change beyond recognition.

You can take an active, leading part in The Shift. Develop your heart chakra by knowing that this is the destiny of humanity, that the universe is benign, and that you can tap into its endless supply of unconditional love. Allow yourself to be filled with this infinite supply of love and then become more deeply aware of your own unique role in changing today’s world for the better.

The more you become accustomed to heart-centered awareness, the more you become one of the True Hearts who, right now, at this very moment, are pioneering a New Reality on Planet Earth.

For much more information about The Shift and how it affects you today, read the new, Updated Edition of the groundbreaking book, The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness at:

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Spiritual Faith

by Owen K Waters

With spiritual faith, your heart and mind open up and guide you in your search for personal truth. Faith in the spirituality of life is what makes your spiritual path possible.

sunsetoverseaFaith may sound like a form of belief, but belief is actually a fixation upon a version of the truth. When a belief becomes rigid, seeking and growth are not possible. For example, the biggest challenge facing quantum physics today is the enormous shift that is required from previous beliefs about the nature of reality. Researchers have to shift to a new view where time, space and physicality are liberated from the constraints which people previously believed that they had.

If you believe that you exist in a fixed location in space and that time must always pass you by like clockwork, think again. Subatomic particles do not share your beliefs about time and space. They take a much more liberated view. Subatomic particles pop in and out of physical manifestation millions of times per second, just when and where they feel like it. Their disregard for time is perplexing, to say the least, as they respond immediately to events in their future and even time travel backwards to alter their past when it suits them.

Now, we can all identify with the idea of creating a different future based on decisions that we make now, but creating a different past? Well, that’s what subatomic particles do, right there in the lab. As a result, in the mathematics of quantum physics today, one of the necessary tools is negative time – the ability of a particle to send a message into its past in order to change its own history.

Subatomic particles are friendly by nature. When they bump into another particle that they take a liking to, and they seem to like all of them, they become friends and carry on communicating with each other, for ever. The fact that they may become separated by millions of miles does not reduce their willingness to communicate.

The speed of their communications comes as a surprise. Einstein said that nothing exceeds the speed of light, but apparently subatomic particles weren’t listening when he said that. They communicate over huge distances virtually instantly. If there is a limit to the speed of transmitted thought, then that speed of thought has to be millions of times faster than the speed of light.

Subatomic particles, by their very freedom, serve to remind us of our true potential as conscious beings in a conscious universe. We are limited only by our personal collection of beliefs, our belief system. We also share our part of a larger, societal belief system, the consensus reality.

Faith in the spirituality of life is what makes your spiritual path possible.

With spiritual faith – an open heart and an open mind – we can discover more about today’s New Reality and what it means to humanity. Discovering more about life expands our view of reality and evolves our belief systems.

Besides, and this is what really counts, it’s fun!

This article was written by Owen Waters, author of the e-book, Freedom of the Spirit: Four Powerful Steps to Spiritual Freedom, available now at:

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It’s a Great Time to be Alive!

by Owen Waters

The Shift is the mass migration of humanity into the second tier of consciousness. This is where basic values transform into spiritual values, where caring hearts blossom forth into action to help humanity in ways that represent their personal, highest joy.

Millions of pioneering trail-blazers have already made it through The Shift and into the new awareness. Every day, more people follow their example. The New Reality presents a newly emerging type of humanity. This vanguard of unconditional love and renewed hope holds the seeds of a culture where ‘quality of life’ replaces ‘standard of living’ and ‘you-and-me’ cooperation replaces ‘you-versus-me’ competition.

The world is transforming; destiny is calling. Together we are witnessing the dawning of the New Reality as it rises in all of its glory, like the Sun rising at the dawn of a bright, new day.

The New Reality is both heartfelt and heart-powered. It’s about people who care. But people can only awaken to their new, expanded potential when they realize that this potential exists.

Tell your friends that the world is shifting to a new reality and that it is destined to become a truly beautiful place.

To step forward into New Reality consciousness means to experience new vistas of awareness and new levels of creativity. It means following your heart to express your inner joy through making your own meaningful contribution towards the betterment of the world.

It truly is a great time to be alive!

This was an excerpt from The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness (Updated Edition) by Owen Waters, which is available exclusively at:

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A Guide to the Emerging New Reality

by Owen K Waters

Here are just some of the deep insights revealed in The Shift: The Revolution in Human Consciousness (Updated Edition).

In this breakthrough guide to the rapidly emerging New Reality, you can discover:

How the Shift to heart-centered consciousness now includes more than one in four adults – up from one in fifty just decades ago!

The metaphysical principles behind this momentous transformation in consciousness.

The exact nature of the gateway to spiritual consciousness.

How the effect of your spiritual practices brings unsuspected healing and balance to millions of people!

The nature of the coming tipping point in mass awareness.

How your own changes in tastes and preferences are shared by others far more than you might realize.

Why, even when things get chaotic, you’re on the verge of a beautiful new pattern in your life.

All about the tools to empower you through today’s dynamic phase of The Shift.

How social science validates the principles of the human chakra system.

The spectrum of human development – from caveman to cosmic consciousness – and how to best move ahead in your own spiritual development.

The significance of the transformational gateway that occurred in 2012 and how it affects your future.

The hidden secret that ties the chakras in with the observations of modern-day science.

The exact resonant frequencies of each of the major chakras.

Exactly how the Hundredth Monkey Effect works.

The key principles of the emerging New Reality.

A glimpse into the future world of higher consciousness.

The true nature of inspired wisdom from within.

How to unleash your true potential to create good things in your life.

Find out more now at:

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Gaia and Our Path of Evolution

by Dreama Vance

Evolving consciousness is the purpose of all life in the Universe.

You are an evolving consciousness within the human realms of existence.

Gaia is also an evolving consciousness. Each planet, sun, galaxy is an evolving consciousness within the cosmic realms of existence.

I love the depiction of the in breath and the out breath of God. God breathed out and here we are on the outskirts of existence. As God breathes in, we climb the evolutionary ladder back to Source.

cosmicconsciousnessOne day we, too, will step into cosmic consciousness.

We will, one day, live life as a planet, as a sun. Hard to imagine, isn’t it? As we view life from our tiny human experience, just the thought of cosmic consciousness is almost overwhelming.

Yet, right here at our fingertips, indeed, right below our feet and as close as the air we breathe, we have the very consciousness of Gaia herself.

Although the very scale of planetary consciousness is mind-blowing, the actual experience of it from our human perspective is quite different. Even on our human evolutionary path, we know that love and service are higher planes of existence. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that when we send out our love to Gaia, we experience her love immediately returned to us.

Indeed, the very fact that Gaia provides a home for us is part of her own evolution in cosmic consciousness and exemplifies her great service to humanity. As we tap into her consciousness, she teaches us from her higher wisdom so that we, too, may learn and evolve.

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Creating Good Karma

by Owen K Waters

There are two ways that humankind can address the mission of finding its way back to the divine source from which we came. We can stretch this mission out to be long and laborious, or with a little forethought, we can make it relatively easy. The choice, as individuals, is ours.

All life operates within the Principle of Reflectance, which guarantees that a universe which is set into motion will always remain in perfect balance. The Principle of Reflectance is often called, and often misunderstood as, the “Law of Karma.”

The Principle of Reflectance simply states that every action creates an equal and opposite reaction. It’s that simple. It’s not a judgment about anything. It just states that every thought, every feeling, and every deed causes the potential for its equal to be reflected back into your life. This is how you continually create your own reality.

Karma is the natural result of the fact that thoughts are creative. Of course they are. We are designed to be powerfully creative.

When you create a belief or an expectation, you attract energy and circumstances that will reflect your creation back to you. This is how we learn through experience.

The idea that karma can be judgmental in nature seems to spring from the idea that God will judge you after you leave this world. However, thanks to today’s many volumes of independent research into what actually happens in afterlife experiences, we now know that there is no judgment by God or any being outside of yourself. Pioneering researchers such as Michael Newton and Dolores Cannon have compiled thousands of cases to show that what does happen in the afterlife is a review which is conducted by you as your soul consciousness.

This review is not judgmental at all. It’s just a review, the same as any review that comes after the completion of a project. The tone of the review is loving, supportive, and insightful. Through this process, you are able to see how you learned more about the dispensation of love and service to others in this life. Through this process, you begin to see ways that you could learn even more about love and service when your time comes to next reincarnate.

Helping others through love and service is the key to sure spiritual advancement in today’s emerging New Reality.

The Principle of Reflectance states, quite simply, that what you put out comes back. Or to quote the old adage, “What goes around comes around.”

This potential energy pattern – your “karma” – is carried like a magnetic influence within your energy field until circumstances make its manifestation possible.

As you will see on our new course, you can determine how life will treat you simply by pre-loading your karmic pattern with the kind of potential which you wish to see manifest.

This was an excerpt from The Seeker’s Guide to Higher Consciousness – a course filled with insightful wisdom for the emerging Spiritual Age.

Discover how the emerging New Reality vitally supports the highest vision of every spiritual seeker today…

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A Vision of the New Earth

by Owen K Waters

A great shift to a higher consciousness has been accelerating since the 1960s. The progressive portion of humanity is stretching the envelope of human consciousness deep into new territory.

As The Shift progresses over the decades ahead, intuition will bloom and people will begin to notice that their five senses have acquired a new subtlety. The Earth will be seen as more beautiful than ever, filled with subtleties of color and perfumes that were always there and yet were never before detected. The spirit of humanity will be focused on peace and hope for a new tomorrow, which will unfold as if it were the arrival of heaven on earth.

higherconsciousnesslogoTomorrow’s humanity will develop in the direction of cooperation, not competition. People will treat other people as loved ones and as if they were dear family, because they will see the light within each other and know that we are all connected. That which used to be a burden will now become a joy, as people work to help each other and support each other.

Gone will be the old way of focusing primarily upon materialistic gain, because people, being heart-centered, will want everyone to have everything that they need and everything that helps make life a joyful experience.

On the technology front, energy will one day be clean and plentiful after we learn to tap into and convert the life-giving etheric energy that flows from the Sun. Etheric energy has been utilized for thousands of years in non-technological applications under the names chi, prana, and universal life force. It is the primary energy of the Sun, while the more dense electrical energy is a relatively minor secondary energy. Nikola Tesla, the inventor of today’s alternating current power systems, experimented with etheric energy, recognized that it behaved quite differently to electric power, and described it as ‘cold electricity.’

It is less than 200 years since the key principles of electric energy were discovered. When the principles of its big brother, etheric energy, are mastered, the door can potentially be opened to a wide variety of long sought-after technologies. These can include abundant clean energy, gravitational shielding, magnetic space vehicle propulsion, protective force screens, teleportation, and, because etheric energy is vital life energy, a wide array of advanced healing technology.

Eventually, all forms of toxicity will be addressed and remedied. Gone will be thoughtless pollution by toxic chemicals and the smoke of burning fuels. Gone will be the toxicity of human suffering that pollutes the mental atmosphere which we all share. Gone will be the toxicity of fear and all of its disempowering manifestations.

Love will be the way, and The Way will be Love. People will see the God within others and hold a sense of allowance for everyone to pursue their own unique spiritual path. Gone will be the rivalries of small-minded religious factions. The new vision of the nature of God will be universal and all-inclusive.

Gone will be the toxic need to exert control over others, as the fears which cause this will dissolve and softly drift away with the wind.

Humanity will build a world of great beauty in harmony with nature. Nature itself will be honored as a beautiful expression of the Creator. People will give thanks to the consciousness of the Mother Earth which supports us and to the consciousness of the Sun which continually nourishes us with life-giving energy. Most of all, people will give thanks to the consciousness of God for life itself and for the joy that communion with the Divine Spirit brings to our very souls and to our deepest sense of being.

This was an excerpt from The Seeker’s Guide to Higher Consciousness – a course filled with insightful wisdom for the emerging New Reality.

Discover how the emerging reality vitally supports the highest vision of every spiritual seeker today…